Chapter 19 - Feelings

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I ran after him. I wasn't going to let him get away. I was able to have my real body transform and catch up to him. I ran as fast as I could to get to them. "Tell your real body to get out of my way." He yelled angrily. "No. Not tell I know why your mad at me." I caught up and ran in front of him. My real body still trying to hold him back. My servos were on his chest and he was pushing me back. "Please." I pleaded. He stopped pushing and looked down to me. Sadness replacing the anger. He looked over his shoulder quick. I know he was just making sure Smokescreen wasn't to close. I looked as well. Smokescreen was still at the entrance of the shop. He had his helm down and looked guilty, even though he did nothing wrong. "Don't be made at Smokescreen. He did nothing wrong." I ordered. "Did you not see the way he was flirting with you? I have a right to be mad at him." He fumed. "Who cares? Why do you care?" I stated. He looked away from me. His mouth slightly opened. He wanted to say something, but I don't think he could find the words. "Of course I care." He said though his teeth.

Then it came to me. He's jealous. "Are you jealous?" I asked, a smirk forming on my face. As quickly as he could, "No". "You are! Why are you jealous?" I pointed my finger at him and questioned him again. "I'm not jealous." "If you weren't jealous, you wouldn't be mad at Smokescreen." I raised an eyebrow to him. He looks away, and I can see his cheeks turning blue from embarrassment. "So, why are you jealous? Its not like we are spark mates or anything." I say slyly. "It doesn't matter. I'll stay if it makes you shut up about the jealous thing." He says turning and walking back to the shop. He gets up near Smokescreen and I see him lean and whisper something to him. I was still to far away to hear. Smokes face showed fear after Wheeljack walked away from him. "I'll call you a ground bridge." He nods his helm quickly. I go to the computers and comm Optimus to let him know that Wheeljack is here and that Smokes is ready to go back. And with that, the ground bridge opened and Smokescreen said his goodbye to me and ran through.

Once the ground bridge closed, I turned to Wheeljack. He knew exactly what I was about to say, as he immediately put on an innocent face. "Don't even start, Mr. What did you say to Smokescreen?" I questioned him, pointing my digit at him. He put his servos up in defense. "I don't know what your talking about." He lied. "Fine be that way. I hope you know, that I asked for your protection. Not Smokescreen." And with that I left and went up to my bedroom to go to bed. Wheeljack stood there in shock. He watched me walk up the stairs. His mouth parted. He tried to get words out but they didn't come. I'm assuming he went to lay down after I went into the bedroom, since I heard his metal shifting on the berth. I put on some pj's and laid down in my berth. It didn't take long and I was sound asleep.

The next morning I awoke to the sound of gears shifting and the sound of tires squealing out of the shop. I jumped out of the bed and ran to my window. My hands gripped the ledge of the window as I watched Wheeljack's backend race out of the shop. "Where the hell is he going?" I asked myself. I quickly changed and ran down the stairs and jumped into my alt to race after him. It didn't take long for me to catch up to him. He also wasn't speeding fast anymore. He was also still on the property. I pulled up next to him and rolled my window down. "Wheeljack! What the hell?" I yelled to him. "What? I'm just going for a drive." He stated calmly. "Excuse me! You almost gave me a sparkattack!" I continued to scream at him. "I thought you were leaving again. I thought...I thought..." "You thought the worse." He cut me off. He slammed on his brakes, stopping fast. I quickly skidded to a halt. My driver side facing him.

"What is going on?" I asked. I stepped out of my alt and walked to the front of Wheeljack, him still being in is alt. I put my hand on his hood and felt him shiver under my touch. "Do you feel it?" He whispered. "Feel what?" I questioned. I took my hand off and gave him a concerned look. "The pull." He muttered, I almost did hear him. "What pull?" I questioned. "The Pull between Me and You." He transformed into his bipedal form fast and landed on one knee in front of me. He was frustrated now. I backed up in defense and he noticed I was a little scared. His face immediately softened. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I just want to know if you feel what I feel, whenever we are near each other." He explained. I looked up at him. Is that the feeling I feel whenever I'm around him. The pull to be closer to him. The comfort I feel when he held me. The way he gets protective of me. The way I blush when ever he says something cute. He feels the same.

"I..I" I stutter backing up more. My mind is spinning. I don't know what to say. I feel as if I'm going to pass out. This is to much. "Charger, I'm sorry. I don't mean for you to get upset. I shouldn't have said anything." He apologized. Before I could say anything, he transformed and raced back to the shop. At least I hope it was the shop. I ran to my alt and raced after him...again. I pulled up to the shop and didn't see him anywhere. I looked around the area and could still see some of the dust settling. He must of gone towards the river. So that's where I went. I spotted him sitting down leaning against a tree along the river. I wasn't sure if I should go sit by him. I want to but maybe he needs some alone time. I don't know what to do. I drive up closer. I put my alt in park and got out.

I walk as silently as I can. But of course that's never how it goes. I end up stepping on a stick and Wheeljack immediately jumps up, turns around and katanas out. I slap my forehead at how stupid I was. He looked down and saw me. I put my face down and my hands behind my back. I could feel the heat coming to my face. He put his katanas away. "I didn't mean to sneak up on you." I whispered. I don't know what to say to him. I want him to know I feel the same way, but it's harder than it looks. "You did nothing wrong." He tells me, putting his katanas away and he turned around. I walked up next to him and looked at our reflections in the water. We didn't say anything. I'm not sure either of us know what to say. I know I need to tell him, I don't know how to. I know I better say something now. Its now or never.

"Wheeljack," I started, "I feel the pull too." I look up at him. He's looking down at me. His mouth open and optics wide. "You...You do?" He spits out. "Yes I do." I confirm with a smile. He starts to smile. Which makes me smile even more. "I'm so happy you do." He exclaims. He then transforms into his alt. I always question it at first, but I understand as soon as Wheeljacks holoform steps out. I don't have time to speak, as Wheeljack puts his arms around me and holds me close. Its the best feeling in the world. I listen to his spark beat. I just can't wrap helm around this. He pulls back a bit and looks down at me. He has a huge smile formed on his faceplate. "Can I kiss you?" He asks sweetly.

"Yes, yes you can." I whispered to him. He leaned in and so did I. Our lips slowly met each other. His soft lips seemed to melt against mine. I felt my spark beat start to flutter. I could feel a smile form on his face as he held the kiss. I couldn't help but smile as well. He then slowly pulled away. I wasn't ready for him too. I gave a low grunt, which called him to chuckle. "There will be more that later." He snickered at me. I nodded and we started back to our alts. He dissipated back into his real form and I got in my alt. Then we raced back to my home. The day has barely started and its already amazing.

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