Chapter 18 - Porcelain Doll

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He ran to me, as if I were a hurt sparkling. His optics wide showing fear. He picked me up in his servo, looking me up and down. Being as gentle as could be. Almost afraid he would break me, like I was a porceilian doll. Neither of us said a word. It was as if we didn't have too. I already knew why he was looking fearful. He knew a decepticon was here. I wanted to tell him I'm fine, that the con didn't hurt me. But when I opened my mouth, nothing came out. So, I decided to wrap my arms around his thumb and give him the only kind of hug I could. I don't know why but  I felt the need to. I could feel his worry, and I need him to know I was alright. I knew he was starting to smile. I didn't need to look up to know he was. I could feel him slowly start to relax. 

I slowly let go and look up at him. The smile still on his face. "I helped him once, when he first came to Earth." I said. "Ratchet told me, he saw a decepticon signature leave your area. Who was it?" Optimus asked me. "Knockout." I crossed my arms and looked down. "Well as long as he didn't hurt you. But he knows where you live and he could tell Megatron and get you hurt or worse. I don't know if you should stay here any longer. We need to protect you." He explained. "Optimus, I can't leave here. I've become established here. Besides you have humans with you at your base. I'm not ready to be around humans. No matter how much you trust them." I looked back up to him. Sadness showed on his face. He hung his head down and looked to the floor. "Please, please come back with me. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you." He clearly upset that I wouldn't go back with him.

"Why do you care so much about me? only a few months ago, you didn't even know I existed." I had to ask him. It was eating away at me that he cared so much. I was nothing to care for. "I do not know myself. There are many reason I do, the main one because you have always been alone. I also, I don't understand it, but I feel the need to protect you. Like one that of sire and sparkling." He confused. I felt the pull too. But I wasn't sure if I should say anything. How could a prime be my sire. There is no way I would be that lucky. I wonder if he has or had a sparkling. "Optimus, Do you have a sparkling?" I asked. I looked up at him and he looked at me. Our optics focused on each other. I could see a tear trying not to break coming out of his optics. He was thinking hard about it. As if he was unsure if he wanted to talk about it. After a moment of silence, he broke it. "I did at one point. But her carrier and I sent her away when the war started. We didn't want her to be apart of it. We wanted her to be safe." He tried to speak with confidence, trying to make sure his voice didn't break. "Did you ever find her again?" I mentaly slapped myself. I should not have asked that. "No, I'm not even sure if she is still alive." He looked away, a shimmer ran over his optics. I think he is recalling a memory. 

Optimus shook his head. I'm assuming shaking the memory out of his head. I looked up at him in confusion. Wondering what he is thinking about. "I must get going now. We are still looking for relics. Since you will not come with me, then I will have someone come stay here with you." He said , setting me on the ground. Before I could protest, Optimus held his hand up. As if he knew what I was going to say. I huffed and crossed my arms and looked away from him. "Smokescreen is new, so I'm not sure I want him protecting you just yet. Maybe I can.." I cut him off. "Wheeljack. If you are going to make someone is going to protect me, I want it to be Wheeljack." I turned and looked back up to him. Pleading though my eyes. I don't want somebot I don't really know protecting me. I trust Wheeljack. I watch Optimus nod his helm down to me. "Ratchet. Come in." He looked away and put a digit on his comm link. "Ratchet here." Ratchets voice came thought the comm link. "Please get ahold of Wheeljack." "What why?" "I will explain later, please tell him to come to Shelby's home. Also send a ground bridge and send Smokescreen over." Optimus declared. "Yes Optimus." The comm link cut off.

"Smokescreen will stay with you until Wheeljack arrives. Who knows where he is right now." Optimus stepped outside and looked up at the sky. "I hope he gets here fast." I whispered to myself. I followed him outside and stood next to him as we waited for the ground bridge to open. Which did take to long. A young bot, who was white, red and blue with giant 38's painted on his wings, came walking through. He had a enormous smile on his face. He bounced up and down on his pedes. "So what kind of mission am I going on today OP." He said excitedly. "You will be protecting.." He stopped before he could say my name. I looked up at him in confusion. He looked down to me. "Charger, my name is Charger." I came to realize that Optimus wanted me to use my real name. It was time to stop hiding behind a fake. If only he knew. "Watch over her, until Wheeljack arrives." Optimus loomed over Smokescreen. Almost glaring at him. "Yes, Sir." Smokescreen gave him a salute. And with that answer, Optimus walked through the ground bridge and it closed behind him. 

"Charger? That doesn't seem like a human name. I mean I only just met some humans, but they had odd names, like Jack. Charger seems like a cybertronian name." He questioned. "That is because I am not human. I am cybertronian." I turned and walked back inside. Smokescreen right at my heels. The look of shock was written all over his face. "Why are you in holoform then? Wouldn't you be more comfortable in your real form? Where is your real form." He asked. "I wish I could be, but I can not." I stuck my hands in my pockets and leaned against my real body after I had it transform. He looked at it in awe. "Why?" Still staring at my real body. "I'd rather not explain at this moment. I already had to relive it once a few days ago." He rubbed the back of his head and looked away from me. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't.." "Its fine. You didn't know." I cut him off. 

There was a moment of silence. A very awkward moment of silence. I stared down at my pedes, moving my foot in circles on the floor. Smokescreen had started to wonder around and check the place out. Eventually the silence was broken. "Are you alone out here?" He whispered. "Yes." I confirmed. "How long?" asked. "Over 20 human years. But I've been on this planet since the war started on Cybertron." I told him. He looked down at me. He had a frown on his face plate. "I'm sorry." He whispered again. "Why? You didn't do anything. You didn't even know me." I crossed my arms and walked over to him. He kneeled down to my level. "I know but I just feel sorry for you. You had to be by yourself for such a long time." He insisted. "It's okay. I'm glad I wasn't apart of the war." I conveyed. He seemed to be alright with my answer and stood back up. 

"Is there anything to do here? I'm bored." Whined Smokescreen. "Um not much for bots. But we could watch some tv. If you want?" I asked him. He nodded his head and followed me over to my living area. I climbed up the stairs and slumped into the couch. I turned on the tv, and we watched whatever was on from the last time I watched it. While watching we started to chat some more. Just getting to know each other. Smokescreen told me how he part of the elite guard at Icon. He mentioned guarding Alpha Trion. That named seemed familiar. But I couldn't pin point why it did. I'm not going to worry about it to much. It could just be someone I met as a sparkling and just only remember his name. I was starting to enjoy Smokey's company. He was young and full of life. He had so much hope for himself.  I hope for his sake it never gets crushed. 

Our laughing could be heard throughout my shop. It seemed to echo throughout. I had tears starting to form around my eyes from laughing so hard. "Arcee wasn't too happy with us. But it was a good time. Jack has a photo to prove it." Smokey roared with laughter. My laughter slowed down as I started to feel eyes on me. I look over to the entrance to my shop. My smile immediately faltered into a shocked frown. Smokey saw this and turned to see what had me shocked. His smile disappeared as well. Wheeljack was standing, leaning against the entryway. His arms were crossed, his optics were squinted in anger and jealousy. He was staring straight at Smokescreen and me. I felt guilty for some reason. Even though I had no reason to be. "Wheeljack." I acknowledge. We stared at each other for what seemed like hours. "Apparently you didn't need me after all." With that he turned and walked away. 

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