Chapter 22 - More Intos

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"What the hell is happening?" Wheeljack roared. I was still staring at my sire. It is hard to believe that I was actually able to find him. More like he found me. Optimus put me back on the ground and transformed into his alt. The door to the semi opened quickly and out jump Optimus in his holoform. He had on a pair of black square toed boots, with a single silver chain wrapped around the heels. He had on a pair of faded black jeans, sporting an Autobot belt buckle. He had on a Dark blue leather jacket with red accents and red Autobot symbol on the shoulders zipped up showing part of a black t-shirt underneath. He had black fingerless gloves on, that he slowly took off as he was walking towards me. As he got closer, I started to notice is his facial features. He had short brunette hair, same color as mine, at least 2-3 inches at the top, then was a low fade to the bottom of his neck. His perfect chiseled jawline was covered with a few-day old growth of beard and, though looked neatly kept. His eye were just like mine, sharp. His electric blue eyes, just like mine. Though all Autobots have that color eyes. His eyes stared down deeply at me. Sadness and love showing though.

He got close to me. Both of our mouths parted slightly. I looked up at him, taking it all in. He spread his arms out and wrapped them around me. My hands shook as I brought them up around him. My head leaned into his chest. Tears started to break though my eyes. I gave a quiet sniffle and he hugged me tighter, giving me a gentle kiss on my head and resting there. "My sparkling. Oh how I've missed you. Your carrier would be so proud of you." Optimus leaned back to look at me. He moved a strand of hair out if my face. I could see a tear about to let go, coming out of his eyes. I tried to smile, but I started to cry instead. Realizing my carrier is not here anymore. He pulled me back into his chest. "It's okay. I'm here now. I'm so sorry." He whispered to me.

I wiped the tears out of my eyes and looked up at him again. "I didn't think I'd ever find you again." Optimus told me, also wiping tears out of his eyes. "It makes sense why you felt a pull to me." I gave a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood. I look over to Wheeljack, who was in a conversation with Ratchet, finally getting an explanation. He looked down to me. "Wheeljack, I found my sire." I said trying not to start crying again. He knelt down and gave me a huge grin. "Yes you did. I'm so happy for you." He agreed. I looked back at Optimus and he said, "We have a lot to catch up on." "You already know most of it. All I did was try and survive." I told him. "You have a lot to catch me up on." I continued as I poked him in the chest with my finger. He gave a quiet laugh. "First, I want you to come back to base with me. Please, I need you with me. So, I can protect you better." He stated. I backed up a little. I just found my sire and he already wants me to move in with him. I give a quick glance to Wheeljack. I'm not sure what I should say or do.

"Optimus, I'm not sure that's a good idea just yet. You two haven't seen each other in eons. It's going to take time to adjust." Ratchet intervened. Optimus looked up at Ratchet and gave a low sigh. "You are right, Old friend." He agreed and looked back at me. "I won't make you come just yet and being a Prime I have a lot of responsibilities to attend to. I'd like you to at least come to base during the day. Then at night you can come back here." He suggested. I thought about this for a moment. It would make it easier for us to get to know each other and to hear about what he's been doing. "Um I guess we could try it. You need to take some Energon back to your base anyway." I slowly said. His eyes seemed to light up with happiness. It made me smile, knowing he's happy. He pulled me into another hug. 

"I wish I could hug you in my real form." I whispered into his chest. "I know, my sparkling. We will find away to get you back, but for now this works just fine." He comforted. "Wheeljack is allowed to come with the base right?" I asked leaning back a little. "No! All he will do is cause more havoc." Ratchet yelled. "Thanks, Doc. I feel the love." Wheeljack said sarcastically. I covered my mouth to laugh. Ratchet gave him a solid glare. "Yes, he can." Optimus replied to me. I gave a small jump of joy and went over to Wheeljack. "You can come with." I yelled up to him. "I don't think, Doc, really wants me to come." He said sadly. "Stop calling me Doc!" Ratchet yelled in Wheeljack's ear. Wheeljack pointed his thumb at Ratchet. "See." He stated. I looked at Ratchet with a pouty face. First, he gave me a scoff. Then, he tried to look away. "Please, Ratchet." I pleaded. Ratchets shoulders slouched and he crossed his arms. "Ugh, Fine." he muttered. I again jumped for joy. "It will be a great time, Sunshine." Wheeljack teased. This made doc bot furious, but instead of punching Wheeljack, like I'm sure he wanted, he choose to storm out of the shop. All of us staring at him, watching him leave. 

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