Chapter 29 - Saying goodbye.

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"Though our home world is once again capable of supporting life, we have much rebuilding to do. Alas, we will miss our home away from home, and the family we've made here." Optimus spoke. The Autobots all stood listening intently at their leader. I couldn't help but stand towards the back. I still don't know if I really want to leave Earth. "If cons are still our there won't Earth be on their radar?" Raf asked worriedly. "Raf if you ever need me, need us, for any reason, we're just a space bridge away." Bumblebee said trying to calm the worried boy. "Besides we'll be in good hands with you, Jack, and Miko, continuing to serve unit E. In a semi official capacity." Agent Fowler said smiling at the children. I couldn't help but smile at the agents offer. "Woah we are agents?" Miko jumped up excitedly. "Consultants. Until you're of age" June added in. "I trust that unit-E doesn't have any rules forbidding the enlistment of rusty old Autobot consultants?" Ratchet asked. we, even I, all looked at him in surprise. For he was the one that wanted to go home the most. "Ratchet, you of all---" "Yip-Yip-Yip! I know where I am needed." He said cutting Arcee off ending with a smile.

"Sire, may I speak to you in private." I asked, he gave a nod and we walked away from the others. "What is it, my child." I looked up into his optics. I could see the hope and pride shining through. I don't know if I can even say it. "I...I...I don't know how to say this." I couldn't look at him anymore. He used one of his large digits to lift my chin up and make me look at him. "I will not make you come back to Cybertron. I know you do not think it is your home. You must promise me that you will be careful and stay safe. I don't think I could handle loosing you again." He pulled me into a hug, I held him tight. Tears made their way down my faceplate. I didn't want him to go, but I couldn't go with. I just can't. "I love you, Sire." His metal muffled my voice, but I know he heard me. "I love you too, Quicktrigger. Your creator would be so proud of you." He kissed the top of my helm. 

I wiped away the rest of my tears and we walked back to the rest of the team. Everyone was saying their goodbyes. I felt a tap on my should and I quickly turned to be kissed by the one and only, Wheeljack. "I can't wait to show you Cybertron. Sure it needs some work, but it will be beautiful again. Just like you." He caressed my cheek, making the tears fall again. He immediatly frown, "Whats wrong? What did I say?" He questioned. "No you said nothing wrong...I'm sorry Wheeljack." He put his hand over my mouth. "Please don't say it. Please." He begged, leaning his helm on my chest. I gave another sniffle, trying to hold back tears. "Why don't you stay here with me." I suggested, he looked back up to me, his servos holding my arms tight. "I can't stay here. I am needed to help rebuild our home. Not my home, Our home. The planet you need to come back to." He's growing angry now. I knew he would be upset. "Wheeljack, I can't." "No! Don't say that! This is not your home." "But it is. I grew up here. I don't even remember Cybertron." We are both angry now. He's not even trying to understand my point of view. 

He scoffed at me and walked away. "Don't walk away from me." I yelled after him. "Don't walk away? Your walking away from your home." He stopped, just turning his head to the side to yell at me. "Its not my home, Wheeljack!" I screamed this time, catching everyones attention. I transformed and sped out of the base. I couldn't do it, I couldn't stay and watch them leave. I don't want them to leave. I finally find my Sire and the love of my life and they are leaving. Why? Why do they have to leave? It's not fair. "Quicktrigger. I'm sorry. Please come back to base. I can't leave with you mad at me. I love you. Please come back." I heard his voice come through my comm link. I thought it over for a moment before turning around and heading back to base. I drifted to a stop outside the giant doors for the base. I knew I had to go in. I transformed and walked closer to the door, as it opened, I noticed the space bridge was already opened. I'm not ready for them to leave. 

I ran up to my sire and he immediately hugged me. "Please don't go." I whispered. "I know, my sparkling. But I'll see you sooner than you think. I promise." He whispered back. "I am so proud of how much you have grown. You have grown into such a beautiful, smart femmine. I love you so much." He bent down and kissed me on the forehead. He slowly stood back up tall, but still looking down at me. I saw Wheeljack staring at me from behind my sire. Optimus backed away so Wheeljack could come talk to me. He slowly shuffled to me, guilt written all over his face. "I'm sorry I yelled. I'm sorry I wasn't thinking about how you felt. I just don't know if I can..." I kissed him, shutting him up. Who knows if this would be the last kiss I ever got from him. "I love you. Just promise you will come back to see me." I say wrapping myself around his waist. He hugged me back. "You and me? It's a forever kind of thing." He whispered into my audio receptor. I couldn't help but smile. Then we slowly let go and he made his way to the ground bridge. He looked back at me one more time before he went through. Sire was the last one to go through. He gave me a quick wink and he was gone. 

Out of my peripheral vision, I saw Ratchet make his way over to me. I kept my stare on the now closed space bridge. "I'm going to miss them, Ratchet." I whimpered. He slowly began to rub my back. "I know. I'll miss them too." He said before leaving to find work to do. "Hey Ratchet." He gave a hum in response. "Do you know what happened to my home in Wisconsin? Did you guys even know I was missing?" I asked, not sure if I actually want to know the answer. I felt his optics boring into my frame. "Yes. Wheeljack went to get you. To make sure you were safe and bring you to us. But he found your home destroyed. There was nothing left of it. I'm sorry Quicktrigger." I barely heard him say the last part. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to keep from crying even more. My home was gone. Everything is gone. "Quicktrigger, it will be okay. You have  home right here with Ratchet and us." I looked down at Agent Fowler, I almost forgot about the humans. "We are still here and we can still have fun." Miko pipped up. It brought a small smile to my face. 

I transformed and brought my holoform online. It felt so much better being back in it. It should be the other way around, but I grew used to this form. I stepped out of my alt and ran to the children, pulling them close into a hug. "Thank you." I whispered. "Of course." said Jack. "Your welcome." Raf squeezed back. I decided to stay in my holoform. It was just more comfortable. The kids and I went up onto the platform to start playing some video games. We though it would be the best way to get our minds off of the bots leaving. I'll admit it did for a little bit. I would need to find stuff to do if I'm going to be staying here. I'm sure Ratchet will hook me up with something to do. All I care about right now, is whooping Jacks aft in this racing game. 

*a few Days Later*

It's been a few days since the rest of the Autobots left. We heard that they made it their safely, but we also heard that the Predicon was still active and that there might be another problem arising. Ratchet and I were very worried to say the least. Shockwave and Starscream also got away, so who knows what they are doing. I haven't been able to speak to Wheeljack. Him and Optimus went on a mission to retrieve the Allspark. Thats what I heard from Bumblebee. Part of me wishes I was their to help, but then I realize I can't do much. I wouldn't be any help at all. All I can do is help Ratchet with whatever he's working on. I'm beginning to learn how to be a medic like him. Since I'm back in my real body, it's easier to learn now. Though, most of the time I'm in my holoform. I can't seem to get used to my real body yet. Ratchet says its from me being out of it for so long. Which is what I figured as well.

Today was like any other day tell we got a call from Cybertron. "Ratchet...come in Ratchet!" Bumblebee called through the com link. "Ratchet here." I stood next to Ratchet and waited to hear what Bee had to say. I hope it wasn't anything bad. "We need you to get here ASAP. Ultra Magnas has been critically injured." That was enough for Ratchet to get the space bridge set up. "Good luck Ratchet." He gave me a quick nod and ran through. There were no need for goodbyes, we both knew he wasn't going to come back. After that the base went quiet. The kids weren't here yet, they were still at school. I knew I wasn't going to be able to learn much by myself, but Ratchet left his equipment here. I will be able to teach myself. It feel like how it did before I met Wheeljack and the others. That was so long ago. It will be interesting to see how time goes now. I might need to try and upgrade myself so I can fight if I have too. 

I guess we will have to wait to find out. Agent fowler just rolled up. Time to tell him the news. 

Until next time.

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