Chapter 27 - Ratchet

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After a few hours of Knockout running test, he finally lets me start to stand and try to walk. It doesn't take to long for me to get used to my legs. It was defiantly an odd feeling and unfortunately I feel I will end up walking into many things. The view is so much better from up high, than down below. Its nice, but yet I feel out of place. I haven't been in my own body for so long, that it doesn't feel right to be in it. "How is the patient doing?" the rough voice of Megatron was heard as he walked into the med bay. I kept my eyes in front of me, not looking at him. "She's doing well, my liege." Knockout told the war lord. "How are you feeling, my dear?" He asked me, getting in front of me and grabbing my chin with his long talons, making me look at him. "Fine." I spit out. He gave a low growl before letting me go and turning to Knockout. "Lets speak in the hall." He growled. "Yes, master." Knockout quickly said following him out into the hall. The large metal doors closing behind them.

After a few minutes, Knockout came back in, but not Megatron. I gave a relief sigh, wiping off my forehead, that was starting to drip with condensation. "What did he want?" I whispered to Knockout. I wasn't sure why I was whispering, but I felt the need to. Probably cause I was always being watched. As well as Soundwave is the eyes and ears of the Decepticons. "No need to worry about that." Knockout said a little to peppy if you ask me. I gave him a look of I don't believe you, he just shoved a smile back at me and went on with what he was doing. Thats not weird at all. "When can I leave?" I asked. "Leave the med bay?" He questioned me. In my head I thought the ship and go back home, "Yeah" I said instead. "Not quite yet. I don't think your ready to walk to far on your own. Your still getting used to your body again." He told me, not looking away from the equipment he was messing with.

The day went by slow. I was bored out of my mind. Knockout would have me walk around the room every half hour, then make me sit on the berth again. I asked if I could transform and he only suggest I don't try to for while yet. Well how long is a while. If I can transform, maybe I can surprise them enough and make my escape off this stupid ship. As I sat there, I started to stare down at my feet, moving my feet back and forth. My surroundings began to spin, I was getting dizzy. I grabbed my helm with my servos, trying to stop the spinning, squeezing my optics shut. I slowly laid myself down on the berth, trying not to make to much noise. I don't want to bother Knockout, well I just didn't want to talk to him. I closed my eyes as I laid down, resting my helm gently as I could. "Are you alright?" I heard Knockouts appealing voice come my way. I slowly open one optic just a bit, to see him staring closly at me. "Just a little dizzy. Nothing to worry about." I gestured him away with my servo, hoping he would just turn around and leave it.

No I couldn't get that. He ran his scanner over me. "Hmm. That's odd." He mumbled to himself. "What's odd?" I slightly sit up and rest on my elbows. "Nothing for you to be concerned about." He states and walks away from me. This just keeps getting weirder and weirder. I really need to get out of here. Unfortunately I do not have the means to get out of here. I lay my head back down and stare at the ceiling. I don't know what else to do. Its so boring in here and I'm not allowed to touch any thing and can only get up when Knockout allows it. Maybe I should try and get some sleep.

*A few days pass*

I can now walk around more than before. Still can't transform yet, but I'm working on that. It doesn't seem like the Cons or just Megatron himself want me to be able to transform. Knockout or Shockwave have even tried to let me transform. So I have to try when they aren't around. I usually try when Knockout and Shockwave are in recharge. Megatron checks on my almost every day. Always trailing his eyes up and down my frame. I hate it, it disgusts me. I want to vomit when he looks at me with his lust filled eyes. I miss how Wheeljack used to look at me like that, but it was so much sexier on Wheeljack. I miss him so much.

Today seemed to be different than the others. I was able to leave the med bay, but only to get stuck in Megatrons berth room. I wish I could at least have my own. As I was being led to his room. I heard a commotion down a different hallway. I looked to see smoke starting to flow out of a doorway I didn't recognize. Then out came a orange and white ambulance. Something about it looked very familiar, but i couldn't put my digit on it. It drifted around the corner and down the hallway from which I just came. I watched it turn another corner, then the vehicon taking me to the berth room grabbed my arm to get me to continue. It took all of me to continue walking, though I couldn't turn my head from where I saw the ambulance turn.

I couldn't get the image of the Ambulance out of my head. It looked so familiar. Why can't I remember who it is. I paced back and forth throughout the room. I don't understand why I'm having such a hard time with this. I haven't been away that long. At least I don't think I have. I know it couldn't be a Decepticon. It had to be an Autobot. Just when I was about to give up. It hit me like Bulkhead missing the lob from Wheeljack. It had to be him. I need to find him. Why would he be aboard the Nemisis? I need to figure out what is going on. Before I could try and think of anything, the doors to the room opened up. Tall dark and annoying walked in.

"Quicktrigger. How are you doing?" He asked, giving me a evil grin. "What do you want, Megatron?" I growled to him. He walked up close to me, I continued to stand my ground. I was not going to let fear rule me this time. "I just want to make sure you are alright. How do you feel being back in your body?" He brought his servo up and caressed my cheek. I wanted to vomit, I hated the feel of his metal against my metal. I refused to say anything, instead glaring at him. He gave a huff in annoyance and took his servo away. "Fine. I know you saw the Autobot medic earlier today." And the real reason comes out. "I don't know what your talking about." I looked away and crossed my arms. He gritted his teeth, optics boring down into me. "I know everything that happens on this ship. No point in lying to me." He growled. I have him a humph and stayed looking away.

"You will stay in here until I come and get you. Soon it will be just you and me ruling the cosmos. Understand?" He grabbed ahold of my chin and made me look at him. "Understood" I stated through gritted teeth. With that, he left the room, leaving me alone again. There is no way I am going to stay with that monster. I need to find Ratchet. He may be my only hope to get back to the others. First I need to find away out of this stupid prison. I began to search around the door for a keypad to open it. The only one I saw was on the outside and I know that they lock it on the outside. As I'm searching, I hear roaring and clanging of metal and screams. What is going on? Next thing I know, the door to the berthroom slams open. I back up in surprise. A vehicon that must of hit the keypad, falls over in front of the door. I slowly move forward to peek around in the hallway.

As I turn around the corner, I see a raging Predicon destroying everything in his path. Then a flash of orange and white run past me. "Ratchet!" I manage to squeal out. He stops fast and turns, looking me over, as if trying to figure out who I was. "QuickTrigger?" I ran up to him and jumped into a hug. His face held in confusion. When I backed off, he took another look at me and a smile spread across his face. "How?" He asked. "No time for that, we need to get out of here." I said, though I was very happy to see him. His smile left and he nodded, turning and we ran to find a way to contact team prime. Along the way Ratchet explained to me what has been going on. I was very clueless. Megatron wanted me kept in the dark.

We found a comm center and Ratchet made the call. "Autobot base do you read? This is Ratchet can anybody here me?" He said. "Loud and clear, old friend." Optimus's voice rang out, we both smiled upon hearing it. Ratchet continued to explain Megatrons plan. "Sire please hurry." I said quickly before we ran off as blaster shots began to get closer. With that we ran to try and stop Shockwave. I was going to help even though I had no weapons. I wasn't going down without a fight.

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