Chapter 7- He meant it

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I have Charger help Bumblebee get Optimus inside and lay him on the berth. "What happened?" I ask. Getting my equipment ready for surgery. 'We were on our way to see you and we got jumped by decepicons.' Bumblebee beep and whirred to me. "Why didn't you two ground bridge right in front of my home?" I asked. "Only...had the..." Optimus tried to talk. "Optimus, don't speak. I'm about to put your under so I can start surgery." I put a hand on Optimus's servo. He's in a lot of pain. You can see it in his face. I put him in a temporary stasis and get to work. I'm focused hard on what I need to do. I can hear Bumblebee beeping but I'm not paying attention to know what he's saying. Soon it gets annoying. "Bumblebee! Please I need silence." I yelled up to him. I saw his head look down. I upset him. But I need to save Optimus.

*2 hours later*

I finally finished up with Optimus. The wound was very deep. He lost quite a bit of energon. I usually kept some up in the shop just in case. So I was able to give him energon without Bumblebee seeing where I store it. I wiped the sweat off my forehead, with the back of my hand. I'm exhausted. I looked up to Bumblebee. "So how did this happen again?" I asked him leaning in my chair. 'we we're on our way to see you. To check on you. And decepicons came out of no where, ambushing us. Starscream was leading them. And he got a shot at Optimus. And lucky for us he was still able to transform to drive here. We weren't to far.' he beeped. "Why did you open your ground bridge right outside my place?" I asked him. ' we weren't exactly sure where you were. So we did a ground bridge near your location.' "ah that makes sense." Bee looked over at Optimus. Before he said anything, I answered him. "He should wake any moment now." I told him. His doors perked up a bit. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help. This is my fault. I didn't think you guys would come back. I didn't know Optimus was serious. I should of trusted him. He is a prime after all. I should of given him the exact coordinates. I'm sorry." I got up and walked towards the shop doors. Looking outside.

"It is not your fault." I heard the deep sound if Optimus speaking. I whipped around and looked up at him. He tried to sit up. "Don't sit up just yet. You need to rest." I run over to him. He lays back down. I climb up on the berth near his head. So he can see me properly. "Yes it is. I didn't trust you. You got hurt because of me." I say to him. Resting my hand on his cheek. "Please don't blame yourself. You didn't know the decepicons we're going to attack. And we are protected in here. You did nothing wrong. You saved me. And for that I am in your debt." He gave me a small smile. Trying to reassure me. "Why did you come back?" I asked him. "Like I said when we first met you. I wanted to come back and check on you. To make sure you and Charger are all right." "You didn't have to. I mean I appreciate it. But I don't want you getting hurt because if me." "You may be neutral to the war. But I still have this need to make sure you two are safe. I'm not sure why at the moment. But I plan to keep coming to make sure your safe." I'm not sure what to say to this. I have Charger come and pick me up off the berth. She stands up straight and I sit there. With my knees to my chest. I don't know why but I feel like Optimus is treating me like a sparkling. No one has ever treated me like this. And I'm not sure I like it.

Optimus sits up. I look over and see he is trying to stand up. "Don't try to stand just yet. Let the wound heal. You don't want to rip it open again." He gives me a look and lays back down. Bumblebee walks over to me. 'are you alright?' he beeps to me. I think about his question before I answer. "I'm fine." I say crossing my arms. 'you don't look fine.' he brings himself eye level with me  I look him in the optics. They were filled with concern. I've never known someone to feel concerned for me. "Believe me I'm fine. " I turn around and have Charger down by the computers. 'I know you've been alone most of your life. But I want you to know that we are here for you and Charger. Optimus seems to have a soft spot for you two. He wanted to come sooner but stuff happened with Megatron.' "Bee, we are neutrals. Well she is. But since we are partners. I am too. We have each other." I look up to him. Trying to keep my emotions in check. 'I know. But I don't think your going to get rid of us that easy.' I don't know what to say at this point. So I sit down in the chair by the computers.

'Wheeljack told us about what you two did together before he left.' I heard him beep and whirr. I feel my face heat up. Without looking at him I ask. "Oh and what did he tell you guys?" I hope all good things. 'he told us how you taught him to ride a dirt bike. I think that's what he called it. And how much fun he had swimming with you. I think he likes you. He couldn't stop talking about you.' the heat continues to rise in my face. I don't understand this feeling. I feel the need to look it up. But yet I want to walk away. I don't know what to do right now. So I just turn around. "Why didn't he come with you guys?" I ask looking over at Optimus. He's still laying down. His optics closed. 'he left again. He doesn't like to stay for very long. But I'm sure he'll be back.' Bumblebee beeps. I look away. I knew he wouldn't come back to see me. Why do I get my hopes up? Bumblebee kneels down to my level. I look up at him. And I give him a confused look. 'so think you could teach me to ride a dirt bike?' I giggle. "Sure Bee. But you need to get a holoform first." He transform. 'I can do that.' I hear him beep. I watch as he steps out of his alt mode.

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