Chapter 8- Bee learns to ride

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He took a step out of the yellow and black Camaro. He wore black boots, laced up and tucked in. He was wearing black fitted jeans that hung at his hips. He wore a simple black v neck that clung to him with a yellow and black leather jacket over it. He had a beautiful smile. And his bright blue eyes stood out with his ruffled blonde hair. His young looking face said he was about 18-19. If he was human that is. He opened his mouth to say something. But nothing came out. He frowned. It made me sad to see him struggle to try and communicate. He stomped his foot and crossed his arms. Looking away in shame. I walked up to him and put my hand on his soft cheek making him look at me. "Don't be upset, Bee. I don't need to hear you to know your having fun." I smile to him. And he uncrosses his arms and I see him start to smile too. "Come on let's teach you to ride a dirt bike." I grab his hand and we run outside to the side of my shop, with Charger in tow. I pull the tarp off the bike and I see Bees face light up, like a child on Christmas morning. I walk it out a little ways from the shop, then I hop on. "I'll give you a quick demo. Then it's your turn." I turn on the bike and I look over at Bee and he's clapping excitedly. I laugh before I take off. I love the rush it gives me to ride. Almost makes me kind of glad I'm stuck in my holoform. I do a few laps and a couple wheelies. Then I do a donut around Bee. He's jumps at first. Then starts to laugh and smile. I stop and get off the bike. "You ready?" He bounces and runs over. I teach him the controls and how to clutch. Making sure he understands everything. He tries to take off. Unsuccessfully at first. Just like when Wheeljack tried.

About an hour later, Bumblebee has gotten the hang of it. He's doing a whole lot better than Wheeljack did. I don't want him to try any tricks yet. But I can see on his face, he wants too. He does a few more laps, then try to stop near me. He stops fast and forgot to clutch down. So the bike dies. He looks confused, then he frowns and looks at me. I run over to him. "It's okay, Bee. You just killed it when you stopped." I told him. He looks at me in horror, then looks at the bike. "No not actually kill it. It just turned off. Watch I'll turn it back on." I put the bike in neutral, hold the brake and clutch in, then step down hard on the kickstart. The bike comes to life. I look at Bees face. He looks so amazed by it. I can tell he wants to try again. I have him grab the controls. And then I back away. I watch as he takes off. As I'm watching I feel the ground shake from heavy pede steps. I look behind me and see Optimus walking out of the shop. Looking for us. "Optimus over here." I yell to him.

He walks over, with authority in his steps. He kneels down next to me. "What is Bumblebee doing?" He asks in his deep voice. "He wanted to learn how to ride a dirt bike. Like how I taught Wheeljack." I say to him. Looking up at him, then over to Bee. "So this is the thing Wheeljack talked about. That is like Arcee but not a cybertronian. Interesting." He looked over at Bee. I lean against Primes leg and give him a mischievous grin. "Yes?" He says to me. "Want to try?" As I ask, Bumblebee pulls up and attempts to stop. Instead he stops short and the back end pops up and Bee being unaware, he flips over the front. We run over to him. He's lying on his back, a hand on his head. I kneel down next to him. "You okay, Bee." I ask him.

"Maybe this isn't a good idea." Optimus said. Bumblebee stood up and dusted himself off. He then looked at me and gave a thumbs up. "He's fine. Your not learning if you don't make a few mistakes and fall off." I looked up at Optimus. "Sure you don't want to try?" I asked him. "No that is alright. Bumblebee be we need to be heading back." We looked at Bee and Bee looked upset. "If you come back, you can try again." I said to him. He looked up and smiled. We all walked back into my shop. I have Charger follow us in. I'll admit I didn't want them to leave. But I understood that they have more important things to do. "Thank you for your help. I will be sure to return and check on you and Charger again. You two look like your doing just fine." Optimus said to us. "Oh before you go. Let me give you my coordinates so you can just bridge here. I'll make it so only you and your team can come though my shield." I said as I started to type away at the computer. "Is there away we could communicate with you as well." I paused and looked up at Optimus. "Um I'm not sure. I've never had to do that." I told him. "Next time we come, I will bring Ratchet so he can help set a comm unit up here. If that is alright with you?" I finish setting up a device for them to take with to download into their system. I hand it to Optimus. "Um yeah sure. We can do that." He takes the device and stands tall. "We shall see you again." He says. 'Thank you for teaching me to ride. I can't wait to try again.' Bee beeps and whirrs happily at me. "Of course." Is all I can seem to say. I wave goodbye to them as they head home.

I watch them leave, and sadness takes over me. I'm alone again. But part of me has hope that they will return. Maybe Wheeljack will come with then. I won't know tell it actually happens. I shouldn't worry about it. I don't know why I am in the first place. I need to remember that I'm alone and I will always be alone. But I have given Optimus my exact coordinates. Maybe I'm starting to choose a side. No I can't think that way. I want no part in this war. But giving those to Optimus, is being apart of it. Oh Primus what have I done? I sit at the computer and stare at it. Not sure what to think anymore. I don't know what I want anymore.

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