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*Four years later*

Its been four years since the Autobots left. Its been a long four years. I stayed at the military base with Fowler and the kids. We have been keeping track of any alien activity. We've actually caught a few decepticons. Any Autobots we find, we send them back to Cybertron. We've done a lot of good. I stay in my holoform most of the time. Its easier to interact with all the humans I encounter. Especially since I've been working closely with the pentagon lately and its much easier to walk in the buildings being human size. I also still haven't gotten used to being in my true form. I haven't really talked to anyone on Cybertron since Ratchet left. Sometimes Bee will contact to see how I'm doing and sometimes Ratchet but that's about it. I haven't heard anything from Wheeljack since the day they left, same for my Sire. Part of me hopes they are okay, but the other half is pissed to no end. If I ever hear from Wheeljack again, I might drop kick him from here to cybertron and back. 

Today I was doing my regular patrols around some of the city's near by when I got a irregular energy reading. It was a few states away in a city called Crown City. "Fowler, I'm reading a powerful energy surge a few city's away." I say through the com link. "We see it here too. Go check it out." "Roger that." I cut the link and begin my long drive. I could just use the ground bridge, but I've always enjoyed driving more. I'm trying to think of something that would cause this kind of energy. The last one I knew up was when they bots used a space bridge or when Megatron created Darkmount with the Omega Lock. Part of me hoped it was the Autobots, but am I ready to see them again? I need to focus on my driving.

*Somewhere on the outskirts of Crown City*

The prison ship the Alchemor has crash landed on Earth and all the prisoners have been let loose. A tall yellow and black Autobot and a blue and white Autobot just a little shorter have come to Earth to find out that decepticons are now loose on the planet. A red sleek mischievous Autobot, who happened to come through the space bridge as well, ends up coming in contact with a small brown haired human boy named Russell. The three Autobots and minicon all come together to capture their first decepticon together, with the help of the humans, Denny and Russell. 

"Are you sure you're okay having us move our command center onto your property?" The tall authoritative yellow bot asks. "Our place is a much better hideout for you than the woods." The human Denny says cleaning up around the area that had been destroyed by the decepticon Underbite. "And I can help you keep your cover. Um, if, you know, I'm not doing anything else." Russel said sheeply. Putting a smile on the bots face. They heard the sound of squealing tires and gravel being kicked up. The bots got into defense mode and the humans and minibot ran behind the command center. A old black and pink 69 Dodge Charger rolled up and drifted to a stop in front of everyone."I'm reading a energon signature." Fix-it said shyly. The yellow bot walked forward, looking confused. 

The driver side door opened. A female stepped out. She had long brunette hair with pink highlights that swayed past her hips. She was wearing black sunglasses, blocking the color of her eyes. She wore a pink and black plaid flannel over a black crop top with spaghetti straps and a pair of short jean shorts hanging low on her hips. Topping the look with a pair of pink converse. She closed the door and turned and looked at the bots standing in front of her. She slid her sunglass and a surprised look landed on her flawless face. "Bumblebee?" She questioned walking around her car and walking closer to the bots, specifically to the yellow bot. The other bots stood behind him looking more confused. "Quicktrigger?" He wondered back to her. She gave a nod and her form vanished. The car began to transform. Now standing in front of them was another Autobot about the same height as Bumblebee. 

The two embraced each other, holding each other tight. "I can't believe your back on Earth." She cried. "How did you know I was here?" Bee asked, leaning back. The two broke apart and Quicktrigger wiped away the loose tears falling down her cheek. "I didn't. I read a large energy signal on my scanner and Fowler sent me to go check it out. I expected to find some Decepticons, not you or other Autobots. "Well surprise." the blue and white bot chimed in. "This is Strongarm, Sideswipe, fix-it, Grimlock and our new human friends Denny and Russel." He pointed to each of them. "It's nice to meet you all. I'm..." She started. "Quicktrigger, Optimus Primes daughter. I was/am a huge fan of your sires." Strongarm grabbed Quicktriggers servo, gripping tight to shake servos. 

"What do you mean was? How is my Sire, Bee?" She pulled back and turned to look at the now guilty looking bot. "Quicktrigger." He started. She took a step back, knowing he was going to say something bad. "What happened to my Sire?" She demanded, but unsure if she really wants to know. "He...he gave his life to give life to Cybertron." She started to cry hard, her hands in her servos. "But I think he may be alive, we just saw him, but it is unsure just yet." He put his servo on her shoulder to try and get her to stop crying. "What do you mean you don't know? Why did no one tell me?" She yelled, shoving Bee away from her. "I'm sorry, I thought someone told you. Haven't you talked to Wheeljack or Ratchet?" He questioned. She transformed and went back into her holoform. She stepped out and leaned against her alt. 

"Wheeljack hasn't contacted me since you all left Earth and Ratchet checks in every once and awhile, but not long enough for me to ask him how he's doing." She stated, her arms crossed and looking at the ground. Bee knelt down in front of her. "I'm so sorry." He rested a digit on her shoulder. "But you said he might be alive?" She looked up at him. Her eyes glazed over from crying. "I've been seeing him, he's been talking to me from another realm and we saw him earlier today, he helped us take down a decepticon."He stood up back tall, gesturing to his new team mates. All she could do was nod. "Well what does he want you to do?" "He needs me, us, here on Earth. A grave danger is coming and we need to be ready for it."

"Alright, What do you need me to do?" She looked up to him. A smirk formed on his face. The two glad to be together again. Working together this time as a team.

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