Chapter 23 - Kiss me

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I stood there, shaking. My sire was mad at me already and I just got him back. I didn't know what to do. Wheeljack kneeled down in front of me. "It will be okay. It will just take some time to get used to all of this." He reasurred me. I looked up at him and gave him a faint smile. "Optimus is right, I wouldn't want you to be with my sparkling either, if I had one." Ratchet cut in. I shot him a glare. though, I don't think he really noticed. He hadn't even looked away from his screen. I crossed my arms and gave a huff. "I think I should just go back home." I said sadly. "No, you just got here." Cried Miko. I tried to give her a smile, but it is still hard to be around them. "I know, but I think it would be best." I sighed. "Please don't go yet." This time it was Raf who cried out. I gave him a small grin and started my way to the ground bridge. 

"Ratchet please send me home." I requested, keeping my eyes to the ground. I felt footsteps shake the ground walking towards me. Ratchet opened the ground bridge. The blue and green vortex swirled around in front of me. A servo reached down and wrapped gently around me. I was to upset to even fight it. I realized it was Wheeljack. He used a digit to make me look up at him. He gave me a grin, I knew he wanted me to return it, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. His smile turned into a frown and we started our way through. I knew the others were upset. We had just got there. "Wait!" A deep low voice came from across the room. Wheeljack turned around so I could see. "Please don't go. I'm sorry. I just got you back and I guess I'm just not ready to let you go again." Optimus explained. Hearing him brought a small tear to my eye. 

I looked up at Wheeljack and nodded for him to let me down. I ran over to my sire and hugged his large pede. If this is what its like having a sire, then I guess I can deal with it. I just want him back in my life. I didn't realize how much I missed having someone care about me, tell someone started to. I let go and he bent down and gently lifted me up. I looked around me and everyone was smiling. Even grumpy doc bot. I feel like I've finally found a home. I sat cross legged in the palm of Optimus's hand. "How about we take a look at trying to get you into your real body?" He asked me. I gave him a excited nod. Ratchet walked over the med bay and motioned for us to follow. I have my real form follow as well. He had my real form lay down and he started to run a bunch of test. 

After a few hours, the children had to go home. This was also my queue to go home. I wasn't comfortable yet staying here. Ratchet finished running some test and found nothing. Just as I suspected. We said our goodbyes, Wheeljack and I went back home. We walked through the swirling green vortex and landed on the other side. "I am done." I said plopping myself down on the couch. "Its sure been quite a day." Wheeljack said, sitting down next to me in his holoform. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in close. I nuzzled into his chest, the smell of Energon wafting into my nose. We decided to put on a movie. I let Wheeljack chose, seeing as I was starting to fall asleep. I knew I wasn't going to make it through. 

After the movie was over, I felt Wheeljack pick me up and take me up the stairs to my room. When I didn't feel him lay down next to me, I opened my eyes to look for him. I saw him standing by the window looking out. "What's wrong?" I whispered. His bright blue eyes looked down at me. I propped my head on my hand, elbow on the bed. "Nothings wrong, everything is perfect." He said softly. A smile crawled onto my face. After a few moments, he came and laid down in bed with me. Cuddling close to me, his arm wrapped around my waist, his other arm under my head. I felt him kiss the back of my neck. I moved back a little more, trying to get a close as possible. He gave a quiet chuckle, causing my cheeks to heat up. Before we knew it, we both slipped into recharge. 

Morning came all to quickly. I groaned as I stretched in bed, pushing Wheeljacks arm off of me. Which didn't last to long, as he flung it right back over me. I let out a quiet giggle and turned into him. Giving him a peck on the nose. This caused his nose to wiggle, which made me giggle even louder. He slowly opened his eyes, keeping them squinted and a smile formed on his face as he started into my eyes. "Good morning, sunshine." He mumbled. "Good morning." I whispered back. He closed his eyes again and leaned in and kissed me on the forehead. "You going to get up?" I asked, bringing my hand up and caressing his cheek. "Not if you keep doing that." He stated, keeping his eyes closed. I took my hand away, and he grunted. "Did you just grunt at me?" I sassed. "What are you going to do about it?" He retaliated. I started to push myself away. I didn't get very far, as his strong arm, kept me in place. I grunted in defeat. He started grinning, bringing me closer. 

I couldn't say I didn't like it, because I very much did like it. I felt so happy in his arms. My spark hummed loudly whenever he was close to me. He was like a drug, I just couldn't get enough of. I constantly needed more. I was addicted and there was no way I was going to rehab. We ended up laying in bed longer. Up until beeping started coming from down at the computers. I groaned as I got up out of the bed. Wheeljack fizzled out of existence and back into his real form. He go to the computers before me and answered the message. "Wheeljack here." He answered. "Wheeljack, you and Shelby need to stay there today. Optimus and the others will be out on a mission." Ratchets voice came through. "Roger that Doc." Wheeljack smirked. I cocked my head to the side in confusion. I heard Ratchet scoff on the other end before disconnecting. 

"I wonder why we have to stay here. I would think Optimus would want me at base." I wondered aloud. Wheeljack just gave me a shrug and transformed. Before I could say anything or do anything, Wheeljack's holoform had me pinned against his alt mode. His hands on my waist, his hips pushing me into his alt. I placed my hands behind me on his alt. Attempting to hold myself up. "I know what we could do, since its just the two of us." He purred into my ear. Red tinted my cheeks, making him chuckle. my mouth was slightly open, unable to speak. He ran his hands up my sides, keeping close. He didn't give me a chance to recover before he started to kiss me. His kisses were rough and needy. I couldn't pull away, my body wouldn't let me. 

His hands roamed my body, soon ending at cupping my aft. I moaned through the kisses he was giving me. I felt his lips form a smile, causing me to do the same. He lightly started to push his glossa against my lips, asking for an entrance. I slightly opened my mouth to give him entrance, but not enough that he could roughly shove his way in. He groaned into the kiss, trying to dominate with his tongue. He squeezed my aft again, tighter than before, winning his dominance over me. Our make out session continued. I soon laid my back against his form, him laying on top of me. Never breaking the kiss. He moved his hands off my aft, one hand to my waist and the other over my shoulder holding himself up. He lightly bit my lip and proceeded to kiss down my cheek to my neck. A low moan escaped my lips. Never have I felt this good. 

My hands gripped behind his neck, holding him close to me. His kisses on my neck turned into love bites, making me moan his name. The hand that was on my waist started to roam, finding the end of my shirt and making its way under it. I shivered at his touch. He was so gentle, but I could tell he wanted more. I was lost in the lust, tell I felt him reach my breast. He was still kissing on my neck, slowly making his way back up to my lips. I knew what he wanted, but I wasn't sure if I was ready. He would be the first bot I would be with. We weren't even going to be able to do it in our real forms. Is this something I was ready for? Thoughts ran through my mind as he kissed me and needed my breast. It felt so good, I wasn't sure if I wanted him to stop. Before I could do anything about it, the computers started beeping like mad. 

Wheeljack kept kissing me, while I had stopped. "Lets see what it is." I tell him trying to push him off. "But I don't want to stop." He whined, kissing my neck again, trying to get me to stay. "Come on Wheeljack, what if its important." I said. He gave a loud unneeded groan, but he let me up. I fixed my shirt and walked over the counsel. "Its a massive energy signature near Autobot base." I said. I turned to Wheeljack as he walked over to me. He stared up at the screen trying to make sense of it. "I'm going to go check it out. Wait here." He ordered, going back into his bipedal mode. He started walking out to his ship. "Wait! What if you need help?" I yelled as I ran after him. "No Prime would kill me if I let you come. Its dangerous and I agree with him on keeping you safe. Wait tell you hear from me or Prime. Please stay here and stay safe." He knelt down beside me. Caressing my cheek with his digit. I brought my hands up and held on. Not wanting him to leave. "Please stay safe and come back to me." I cried. "I will." He slowly stood back up. With one last goodbye, he left. 

I hope nothing to bad has happened. 

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