Chapter 2 👨‍❤️‍👨

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Justin's pov:

I woke up the sun beaming into my room from the windows. My room wasn't the sunroom but my room had some windows. It was kind of weird though. You can see a bedroom from the neighbors house from the sunroom and my bedroom. Oh well. No one lives there anyway.

I got out of bed and went downstairs. My mom was just about to leave for work and my nurse, Ashley, just walked through the door.

"Hi Ashley"

"Hi Justin how are you?"

" every other original day"


She looks at my mom and back to me and back to my mom.

"Why don't you get to work Mrs. Blake. I can take it from here"

"Alright I'll be on my way. Bye Justin"

"Bye mom"

I yelled as she went out the door. I turned to Ashley who was already getting her equipment out. I sat down and she sat across from me. She took my blood pressure, heart rate, everything you get done at a physical at the doctors. She finished and smiled at me.

"Would you like to do something or do you want to just go upstairs?"

"I'll be fine upstairs thanks."

I got up and went to the sunroom. I sat down and listened to music. I spent most of my day in there, reading, just looking outside, the usual. I make my way to my room and sit on the window seat where you can see the road the other houses on the street. I just look out the window admiring the outside world until I noticed and big truck that was in front of the house next to mine. It had boxes in it. I think it was a moving truck. I see man that looks maybe no older than 40 bringing in boxes. Then my eyes landed on a boy. He looked my age. He was sitting in the back of the truck with his legs hanging down. He looked around and then at me. His eyes big and brown. His hair was long and covered his whole forehead. I couldn't see well but I think one of his eyebrows has shaved lines through it. He was wearing all black and red shoes. He was looking at me and I was staring at him. He was just so...prefect. He looked away for a second to grab a skateboard. He got down off the truck and dropped the skateboard. He got on it and looked at me again and smiled. I smiled back at him. I followed his eyes. He winked at me, looked away, and continued down the street. I walked away from the window and smiled. I thought about him. He was so hot.

That night me and my mom were watching a movie when the doorbell rang. She got up and I went to the little screen where you can see who's at the door. There is a camera there. I saw the boy I saw earlier and and girl. mom opened the door.


My mother said.

"Hi. We are new to the neighborhood and our mother makes us bring cookies to the neighbors to you know, tell them we are new."

The boy said. He laughed a little after and I laughed to myself.

"Well thank you two very much. Thank for mother for me also."

"Ok. I'm Raegan by the way and this is my sister Violet."

I took a deep breathe when he said that. She's just his sister thank God. And his name is Raegan.....raegan. Wow.

I looked up again at the screen when I heard Raegan say something that caught my attention.

"Is your son home?"

I smiled a little.

"No, no he's not."

My mom shut the door and they walked away. I ran upstairs and look out my window. I see Raegan and violet walking into their house. I smiled once again.

"Justin would you like to finish the movie?"

I walked downstairs and looked at my mom.

"I'd rather have some cookies."

Hope you liked the second chapter! It will get more interesting soon. ❤ comment and vote 👑
◇Samantha Sarno◇

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