Chapter 32 👨‍❤️‍👨

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Justin's pov:

Later that night I was laying on the couch with Raegan, him holding my waist. We were just watching tv in silence. I heard my phone go off so I took it and looked at it. It was my a text....

Mom: Justin you're coming back home with me.

Me: Mom just go back home i'm not coming. I'm happy here with Raegan. You're crazy if you think I'm leaving him I love him and I don't care what you think.

I send it and put my phone down. I look up at Rae and he's smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask.

"I'm so proud of you. Standing up to your mom like that."

"Thanks babe."

"Want to get to bed? I'm tired."

"Yea *yawn* do you want to sleep with me?"

"If you want me to."

"Yes please."

"Ok. Come on."

"Uhhhh. Carry me *laughs*"


He stands up and I lift my arms up. He picks me up and I wrap my arms around his neck and legs around his torso. He walks up the stairs and sets me down on my bed. I lay down and he laughs.

"Don't you want to change into something more comfortable?" He asks.

I sit up and take off my hoodie and lay back down wearing my binder and shorts. I lay back down and smile at Rae.

"That works *laughs*"

He lays down next to me and holds me tight.

"Goodnight. I love you." I say.

"I love you too baby." He says and I smile before falling asleep.

The next morning Raegan and I wake up and get ready for school. We go downstairs and we both eat a poptart and head out the door. We get in the car and drive to school. We get inside and go to our lockers. The bell rings and me and Rae head to class.

We got in class and sat down. The teacher came in and looked at me weird. It must have been a substitute yestarday because she was a different teacher.

"New student?" She asked looking at me.

"O-oh yes." I say shyly.

"Oh ok." She says as she takes out her attendance paper.

She says a few names and she is about to say mine.

"Kyle?" She asks.

I hear a kid in the back yell "here." He seemed annoyed.

(Not his real birth name I just always use it.)
"Ok umm...Abby Blake?" She says.

My heart stops and I raise my hand shaking.

"Uhh it's J-justin Blake."

She looks at her paper and back at me with a confused face.

"This says Abby. Why doesn't it say Justin?"

I sit there speechless and I hear someone behind me whisper "Tranny *laughs*"

I start to cry and everyone starts laughing. I run out of the room. I hear Rae yell.

"His name is Justin leave him alone!"

I continue running until I reach a boys bathroom. I ran in and sat in the corner and cried. A kid came in and I thought it was Raegan but it was Calvin?

"You okay kid?"

I shake my head "no."

"What happened?" He asks.

I shake my head again still crying. He sits down next to me and hugs me. I hug back and just cry. Does he really care about me?

I see Rae run in.

"I'm so sorry baby, I couldn't-" He stops himself when he sees Calvin and I hugging.

"What are you guys doing?"

I calm down a little we both stand up.

"Calvin came in and saw me crying so he comforted me."

"Yea don't worry man." He says.

"Calvin get out." Rae says firmly.

"No Rae don't-" Calvin cuts me off.

"No kid it's alright. I'll see you around." He says and pats my shoulder.

He was almost out the door when I said,

"No Calvin don't leave."

He looks at me but still walks out. Rae shuts the bathroom door and looks at me.

"That wasn't necessary." I say.

"I don't trust that kid remember your first day?"

"Yea but after we worked on the project he has been nice."

I slide down the wall again and cry again. He comes in front of me and sits down.

"Come on babe I'm sorry."

"No it's not that Rae I'm not mad, I just hate being called my birth name is makes me insecure and it makes me feel like I'm still a g-girl. A-and now everyone is going to call me tranny."

"Come here" He says.

I look up at him and he has his arms open. I get on his lap facing him and he wraps his arms around my waist.

"It's okay I'll protect you I promise. And you are not still a girl you were always a boy babe. I don't know why this stupid school still has your birth name in the attendance."

"*sniff* I want to go home."

"Alright let's go." He says as I get out of his lap. We stand up and walk out hand in hand. Rae went in class to get our bags and tell the teacher we feel sick. We comes back out and I grab my bag.

"Okay let's go." He says. I nod, my eyes still watery and my face all red.

We were walking to the front doors when I see Calvin walking around. I set my bag down and walk to him. He sees me and gives me a little smile. I get in front of him and hug him around the neck. He was shocked at first but hugged back. While still hugging I talk to him.

"Thank you for being concerned for me."

"Hey anytime kid. We're good."

We let go of the hug and he's smiling.


"Hey anytime someone picks on you come to me I'll knock their teeth down to their ass."

"*laughs* alright thanks I appreciate it."

Next I feel a hand on my shoulder and it's Raegan. I look up at him and he's looking at Calvin.

"Just know Calvin, I got my eye on you."

"Dude it's alright. Don't worry I won't touch your little boyfriend we're cool. I'm not as mean as I seem. But I am mean when I want to be. And being trans isn't a bad thing in my opinion. I'm known as kind of the bad boy of the school so I bully kids yea. Not for the fun of it but because I like to keep my reputation. That's why I'm saying if anyone's going to pick on you justin talk to me. By the end of the day you won't have anyone bothering you."

Wow. He's a really nice kid actually

"Thank you Calvin." I say smiling. Rae is still staring him down. I elbow his stomach and he stops staring.

"Anytime. Hey kid text me alright."

"Okay man see ya later." I say and wave as he walks away.

"Okay Rae let's go home. At least now I'm not in such a bad mood." I say and kiss him.

He nods and we walk out of the school again, hand in hand.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter loves 😊👄 Plz comment and vote if you would like 😂 I would appreciate it ❤
◇Samantha Sarno◇

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