Chapter 24 👨‍❤️‍👨

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Justin's pov:

I woke up and I was in my bed and Raegan was next to me. He was up on his phone.

"Goodmorning. My mom made breakfast just now let's go." He said.

"Ok baby."

We get up and I put a hoodie on and we go downstairs. His mom was in the kitchen.

"Goodmorning boys. Come eat I need to talk to you two before I go to work."

"Ok" Raegan says.

We sit down and so does she.

"So Justin, would you ever consider going to school?"

"Uhhh...I never thought of it."

"Well if you would like to think about it, I can enroll you in Raegan's school tonight before I come home from work?"

I look at Raegan and he's smiling. He nods at me.

"Babe that would be awesome! Come on please!"

"O-ok sure. Why not try it."

"Ok perfect see you boys after."

"Ok bye mom."

"Bye thank you!"

"Love you boys."

She says and leaves. We eat our bacon and eggs she made. They were really good, she's a good cook. We finish and go to the couch. After watching tv for a while, the door bursts open and runs in...Kelsey?


"Why are you here?"

She walks over and sits down next to him once again.

"Im- i-im..."

"Your what?"

"I'm pregnant Raegan."

What? What? WHAT?

"W-who's the dad?" Raegan asks acting stupid.

"You Raegan!"

She starts to smile. Oh fuck no. I stand up and look at him.

"HOW COULD YOU?" I yell at him.

I start to tear up and soon they are flowing down my cheeks.

"Justin no I-"

"You moved away three days before I came here. You already had sex with a girl. You had the nerve Raegan! I loved you and I still do you actually had sex with her right after you left. Were you over me or something? I can't believe you!" I yelled

"Justin let me explain please I wasn't thinking."

Kelsey butts in before anyone else talks.

"Rae what are we going to name the baby?"

I start balling and I run upstairs and slam my door. I fell on my bed, roll up into a ball, and cry. It doesn't seem real. I mean, he had sex with her right after he moved.

I heard the door open and Rae came in having a face of simpithy on.


"Please baby I love you. I wasn't thinking please!"

I stand up and stand in front of him.



Before he says anything else I smashed my lips into his his. It was quick and he kissed. I pulled away, started to cry harder, and slapped his face. His eyes got wide and he held his cheek. I ran out and and went downstairs on the couch and screamed into a pillow. He came down with tears in his eyes.

"Justin please. I didn't want to have sex with her. I was so mentally fucked up I wasn't thinking and I needed to get my mind off of you!"

"Stop. I'm done. I can't handle this knowing you are the father of her baby."

"What are you saying?"



"Don't call me that anymore! I hope you have fun with Kelsey and your new baby Raegan!"

"I love you Justin."

He says before he goes upstairs. Does he? Does he love me?

I go upstairs to my room and fall asleep. 

I woke up to Raegan shaking me.


"We have school today Justin."

"Oh ok."

I sit up and he was about to walk out when he turned around. I looked at him and gave me a little smile. I kept a straight face and got up. He signed and left.

I can't help but still love him. He was my first love, and still is my love, and will probably always be my only love. I don't what to do.

I got out of bed and got ready. I went downstairs and saw Rae eating.

"My mom went to work. She had to go in early today. I got you some cereal."

"Thanks Rae."

I sat down and we both ate in silence on our phones. We finished and Rae looks up.

"Time to go."


"Oh, by the way I went shopping last night and got you some stuff. I know what you need for your classes so I got you a backpack with your stuff."

"Thank you. Let's go."

He nods and I take my bag Rae bought me. It was nice. We went out to the car. He drove and when we got there we went inside.

"Uhh..where the office."

"Here I'll show you."


He took my hand and brought me to the office. I went up to the lady at the desk.

"Hi I'm new. Justin Blake."

"Oh ok here is your schedule sweety. Do you need someone to show you around?"

"Yes pl-"

Rae cuts me off.

"I can do it *laughs*"

"O-ok is that okay Justin?"


"Ok have a good day. You have a an hour tour and then report to 2nd period."

"Ok thank you."

Raegan takes my hand again and bring me in the hallway. The bell rang so people were alone. I yanked my hand away.

"Umm, can I see your schedule?"

I nod and give it to him.

"Cool we have everyclass excpept the one before lunch and we have the same lunch."

"Ok. Can you show me around now."


He walks around she does me where all classes were. Once it as done we went to 2nd period. Hope it's a good day.

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter 😊 Plz comment and vote 🙂👅💕
◇Samantha Sarno◇

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