Chapter 35 👨‍❤️‍👨

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(I've been updating a lot wow 😂)
Justin's pov:

Raegan and I woke up the next morning and got ready for school. Once we got to school we went to our lockers. I saw Calvin down the hall at his locker. I look at Rae and he's death staring him. I look back and he's looking at us. He closes his locker and walks over to us.

"Justin can I talk to you? In private?"

I look at Rae and he's still staring. I grab his hands and he looks down at me.

"Please. I'll meet you in our first class in a little."

He nods and kisses me. I Kiss back and he walks away. I turn to Cal who's looking at the ground.

" are you feeling?" I ask.

"I have a really big headache but I'm trying to ignore it." He says rubbing his head.

"Cal, d-do you remember anything from last night?" I ask and he looks right at me.

"Ok, Honestly yes I do remember. Mostly just about what I did to you."

"Oh...." I say awkwardly.

"And I'm sorry."

"I-its alright you were drunk. I'm not mad." I say to him.

He scratches the back of his head and looks around.

"N-no I wasn't as drunk as I s-seemed." He says and I look at him shocked.

"Thennnn, why did-"

"Because I like you alright." He says cutting me off.

My eyes open wide and I don't know what to say.

"I-i thought you were straight." I say trying to break the silence.

"I'm bi. No one knows except you now." He says.

"I-im sorry Justin I wasn't that drunk last night I just- I wanted to kiss you alright, I-i wanted you to lay down with me so I could sleep. I do regret what I did only because you rejected me. I'm so sorry." He says kind of in a pannic starting to cry.

"D-don't cry it's okay." I say wiping his
Tears with my thumb.

"No it's not."

"Cal I-i don't know what to say. You know I'm dating Raegan and I would never leave him."

"Yes i-i know and that's the problem. Now whenever I see you two together or kissing or whatever I'm going to get jelous because I like you so much it hurts and I want to be with you." He says now actually crying.

I-i-" I don't even know what to say at this point.

The bell rings and I open my arms to hug him because maybe it was right at the moment but he backs away and then runs the opposite way. He likes me that much? He was never drunk. He wants to be with me?

I get going to next class with my head in fucking clouds wondering what just happened. I get into class and see a seat open next to Rae. He smiled and pats the desk. I go and sit down and make a fake smile back to him. I can't tell Raegan about what Calvin said to me. He'd be so pissed and try to do something.

I just never knew he felt this way about me. We haven't been friends that long. How long has he liked me? I feel like now he doesn't want to be friends.

"Psst." I hear someone whisper. It was Rae. The teacher was talking but I looked at him quick.

"What?" I whisper.

"What did Calvin want?"

"Uhh n-nothing. Just wanted to know if we had fun at the party." I say looking back at the teacher.

Rae looks back too and nods a little.

Time skip to lunch

I go into lunch and go to Rae after getting my food. I sit down and he smiles.

"Hi baby." He says.

"Hi babe." I say starting to eat.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Me? O-oh yea just tired." I say.

He nods and looks down to eat. I spot Calvin over at what you could call the "popular kids table".....staring at me. When he sees me looking back he looks down at his food. Man, this is really hard on him. Seeing me with Rae, when he likes me. A lot it seems too. These situations are horrible. Your dating someone and your really good friend likes you. But I know for sure I'm not leaving Raegan for him. Yes he's cute but I really love Raegan more then anyone else in the world.

Rae was sitting across from me and he saw me staring. He turned around them looked back at me.

"What are you staring at?" He asks.

"Nothing, just think about how much I love you." I say smiling.

"Aww babe I love you too." He says.

We finish eating early and decided to head to out next class early. As we are walking out the lunch room I see Calvin still staring us down. Rae kisses me as we walk out the doors and he was out of sight.

We head to next class and I had thos class with, Calvin. Shit. Things are so awkward now. I don't know what to think. What does he think? Does he plan on staring and being jelous forever? I don't know!!!

I see him walk in and his face is all red like he's been crying a little. Omg! He sees me and shakes his head. He makes his way to the back of the classroom while me and Rae were towards the front. Once he sits down and the teacher walks in I look back at him real quick. He's just sitting there staring into space.

Ugh this kid. I need to talk to him, and soon too.

Hope you liked this chapter. Surpised about Calvin? Probabaly not we all say something coming 😂 Plz comment and vote if you enjoyed ❤

♡ Tomorrows the day I get to see my idol and tell him i love him and his much he means to me!! ❤
◇Samantha Sarno◇

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