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Megans POV:

Once we arrive at Taco Bell, I order a taco salad and sprite. I order first so I pay and give Cam $20 for his food. A deals a deal.

After everyone gets their food, we all just sit around talk and eat.

After about 45 minutes we all finish eating and pile back into the limo.

"Let's play truth or dare" Cam suggests once we're all in the limo

"Okay, I'll go first" Lauren says

"Bro, truth or dare?" She asks he brother, Jack. G

"Truth" he replies.

"Is it true that mom walked in on you jerking off to a Jenifer Lopez poster?" She teases.

"Yeah, its true" he says

"Eww what the fuck" I joke

"Ok, Megan, truth or dare?"

"Shit, truth" I mutter

"Is it true you have a crush on one of the guys?" He says evily

"Fuck you and yes" I say hiding my face in my hands

"Ooooo who is it?" He says in a gay voice

"I'm not saying" I say pulling my head up

"Fine, go" he says

"Okay, Shawn..... truth or dare?" I ask


I dare you to.......... roll down the window and scream Vagina as loud as you can" I say laughing.

"Okay, he says rolling down the window and sticking his head out.

"Oh God" I laugh.

"VAGINAAAAAAAAA!" Shawn screams, causing people to stare

"Oh my fucking God!!" I say laughing.

"My turn, Cam, truth or dare" Shawn asks rolling up the window.

"Dare" he replies

"I dare you to Kiss Nash on the lips" he laughs.

"Aww hell nah, I'm not gay." Cam laughs

"Fine, go" Shawn laughs.

"Umm.... Taylor... truth, or dare?"

"Dare" he says

Oh fuck.

"I dare you to kiss Megan for 30 seconds" Cam laughs.

Damn you Cameron.

"Aiight" Taylor says leaning in to me, I didn't even realize he was next to me.

I slowly lean in too

Then, our lips touched.

I was freaking out on the inside

I slowly begin to kiss him back.

Sweet baby Jesus he can kiss.

After what felt like forever, we seperated.

"Damn" was all Cam said.

The rest of the ride, was dead silent.

After laser tag, we all head back to the hotel and hung out in Nash's room.

"So, what should we do now?" Cam asks sitting next to Lauren.

Taylor and I haven't spoken since what happened in the limo. And its killing me.

"Well I'm gonna go to bed" I say standing up and walking to the door. "Night guys" I say walking into the hallway.

"Night!" They all yell back.

I walk back to my room, tears falling from my eyes.

I don't even know why I'm crying, I guess its cause its my time of the month.

I get back to my hotelroom and strip myself of my clothes.

I pull on my pajamas and climb into bed.

Just as I'm about to drift off to sleep, someone is banging on my door.

I drag myself out of bed and open the door to find none other than Taylor.

"What?" I yawn

"Can we talk?" He asks

"No" I say sarcastically, while pulling him inside

"What do you want?" I ask sitting on the couch.

"Well, we kinda kissed earlier...." he trails off.

"I know, I was there" I joke.

"Well I umm uhh, sorta maybe liked it?" He stammers

"What are you saying?" I ask nervously

"I like you." He says sitting down next to me.

"Oh. Uhh I like you too." I confess

"You do?"

"Yeah, I've liked you for a while now, I've just been scared to tell you" I blurt out.

"So what does this mean, for us?" He asks.

"No idea" I laugh

"Well let's start with this, Megan, will you go out with me?" He asks

"Nah I'm good" I say examining my nails.

"Oh okay, well ill--" he begins but I interupt him.

"Taylor! I was joking! Of course I'll go out with you!" I laugh

"That wasn't funny" he pouts

"Yea it was" I say laughing lightly.

"Well then" he says sassily

"Oh my God stop" I laugh again

"Okay, calm down" he chuckles

"I'm calm" I say in between laughs

"So, I'll see you tomorrow? We can go get breakfast together?" He asks

"Sure" I say after I composed myself

"Aiight, night Megan" he says walking out of the room.

After he leaves, I crawl back into bed and fall asleep.

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