CH 29

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Megans POV:

"Hey Megan..." Samantha says awkwardly backing away slightly

"hi" i huff

"i wasnt aware that you were going to the Bahamas..." she smiles

"well i wasnt aware that you were either" i groan

"Megans, listen, i know we havent always gotten along and i understand that, but cant we put aside our petty fights and be mature here?" she snaps

"well first of all, i dont like you. One fucking bit. your a whore, skank, slut, cunt, STD infested bitch and i would rather be shot in the head bt a fucking monkey than be friends or anywhere close to that, with you" i growl

"well im flattered cause i cant stand your pathetic, money grabbing, man stealing--" she begins but i cut her off

" i didnt steal your man sweetheart, get that through your thick head. no one likes you" i smirk as her smiles falls

"well whatever, your a waste of space and no one would even care if you died." she snarls

"well thats great" i smile

"why dont you just kill yourself and save Taylor from all the heartache, he doesnt even like you" she smirks as my smile falters

"you- you know what, fuck you i hope you find Jesus cause your a sick son of a bitch" i stutter

"i already found him and he said that it was a mistake that he ever created whores like yourself" she smirks

"shut up your s sicko and i hope you rot in hell with your whole pathetic family you sick slut" i growl flipping my hair and dramatically walking away

"you bitch!" she screeches as i turn the corner

"nice chat" i yell back as i leave her fuming


"so, how is your exploration going?" Taylor smiles, walking up to me and wrapping his arms around my waist loosely

"fun i guess" i sigh wrapping my arms around his neck

before Taylor found me, i was peacefully sitting by the pool, but now, we are hugging by the pool.

"well want some company?" he smiles

"sure" i say pulling away and wrapping my hand in his

"what do you wanna do?" he asks

"well its only like 4:30 so i say we go swimming" i smirk pulling him toward the pool

"noooo i wanna go see a movieeeee" he whines

"which movie doofus" i laugh, turning to face him

"The Fault In Our Stars" he smirks knowing that ive wanted to that movie for months

"fine, we can go see it but can we invite other people too? like Cam, Lauren, and the others?" i ask

"why? you dont wanna go on a date with me?" he smirks

"no i do but lauren really wanted to see that movie too" i explain

"but i want alone time with my girl" he pouts

"ugh fineee" i give in, as Taylor pulls me toward him

"besides, we cant makeout if our friends are there" he whispers in my ear

"oh" i gulp

"well come on!" he smirks, pulling me toward the movie theater they have on board


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