CH 11

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Megans POV:

The next morning, I am woken up by banging on my hotelroom door.

I drag myself out of bed and open the door to reveal a very scared Nash

"What's wrong?" I ask

"M-mom go- got in a c-car acc-accident with Sk- Skylynn" he sobs

"Oh my God are they okay?" I ask pulling him into a hug

"I don't know, I got a call from the hospital, their in surgery right now" he cries into me

"Does Hayes know?" I ask nervously

"No I didn't want to wake him yet" he sniffles pulling away.

"Oh. Well why don't we go tell him?" I ask

"Ok" nash says pulling me down to Hayes' room.

Instead of knocking, we walk right in.

"Hayes. Get up" I whisper shaking him awake

"What do you retards want?" He groans sitting up.

"Hayes. Mom and Skylynn got in a car accident and their in surgery as we speak" I whimper.

'No. Don't cry. Your strong. You can't cry.' I tell myself

"My God" Hayes cries

"Shh its gonna be okay" I say pulling him close as tears stream down his cheeks

"Its okay. Your okay. We'll fly home and see them later" I say as he cries into me

"I wanna see them now" he whimpers

"We can fly home now if you want" I soothe

He nods wiping his eyes

"Come on guys" I say grabbing their hands as we walk out of the room and out of the hotel.


After we land back home, we get a cab to the hospital

Once we reach the hospital, I run to the reception desk.

"Hi, can I help you?" The recetionist asks

"Yes. Im looking for Elizabeth and Skylynn Grier"

"Sweetie they have just been through surgery, we only allow family to visit at this time" she says snottily


"Okay calm down" she rolls her eyes.

"LET ME SEE THEM" I scream again

"Room 201" she sighs giving me and my brothers visitors badges.

After a while we find room 201 and see mom and Sky hooked up to machines

"Oh Lord" I whimper.

'Dont cry. Be strong for them. You can't cry. Not now' I tell myself as I look at their limp, pale bodies

"Christ. Why me? Why us?" Hayes cries

"Shh. Its okay guys. Their just sleeping." Whisper.

"They look......... dead" Nash whimpers

"Their not dead. Their fucking sleeping" I growl

"Woah Megan chill. We're all upset, but now is not the time to lash out" Nash soothes

"I need air. I cant catch a break. Taylors in surgery today, now my mom and sister are fucking in the fucking hospital" I groan walking out of the hospital

Why me" I cry sliding down a wall outside the hospital.

"Megan?" I hear a voice say above me.

"What" I whimper looking up to see Cam.

"How you holding up?" He asks sitting next to me on the ground

"Not so good. How'd you know what happened?" I ask wiping away my tears

"Nash called all of us guys. Even Taylor." He explains

"Oh. Sorry if i seem pissy I'm just stressed out" i apoligize

"Its okay" he reassures

"Well why dont you go in and see Nash and Hayes?" I ask

"I will. And just so you know, Taylor said after hes out of surgery, he'll fly over here" he says walking inside


After what seems like forever, I hear the all to familiar indiana accent.

"Hey Megan" I hear Taylor say

I pick my head up off my knees and look up at him with my glossy eyes and tear stained cheeks

"Hi" I croak.

"You look like you need a hug" he soothes helping me up off the ground with his good arm.

the minute im standing, I throw myself into Taylors arms crying hysterically.

"Shh. Its okay. Their gonna be ok" he soothes rubbing my back

"Sorry I'm being so needy. I just really needed a hug" I sigh pulling away.

"Its okay. You have a lot going on right now" he says as we walk into the hospital again.

Once we reach my mom and Skylynns room, I hear the sound i never wanted to hear..

The sound of my mom crying.

I rush into the room and see tears streaming down her face as the doctors inject her with medicine.

After their done, she calms down and looks at me.

I quickly run over to her and hug her as tight as I can

"Mommy" I choke

"Hi hun" she sighs as pull away

"How are you feeling?" I ask

"Better. But it still hurts" she smiles even though she's in pain.

"Oh. Well im glad your okay" I say as tears stream down my cheeks

"Hun its okay. Don't cry" she sighs grabbing my hand in hers

"I know. I was just scared" I sigh wiping away the tears with my free hand.

"Well I'm fine" she says sqeezing my hand in reassurance.

"Where's Sky?" I ask looking around

"She's in the next room" she says releasing my hand.

"Oh ok. I'm going to go see her" I say walking over to Skylynns room.

"Hey booger" Sky laughs as I walk in.

"Hey " i smile sitting next to her bed

"This hospital food is yuck" she says shoving away a plate with a turkey sandwhich on it.

"I know" i laugh

"How come you aren't in Jersey?" She asks

"Me, Nash and Hayes came back here so we could see you and mommy" I explain.

"Oh. Well why dont you go back?" She pesters

"We will" I say


Later that night, we finally all head back to Jersey.

Once we are back in Jersey, I go straight to my hote room, ready to sleep.

"You going to bed" Taylor asks walking into the room as I pull on my pajamas

"Yeah. Can you sleep in here with me tonight?" I ask climbing into bed

"Yea" he says pulling off his shirt and climbing in bed with me.

"Night" I yawn as I fall asleep.

"Night" I hear him whisper as he kisses my forehead

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