Megans POV:
The next morning I am woken by Taylors breath on the back of my neck.
I try to pull myself up from the bed but his grip on my waist is too strong.
"Taylor I have to get up" I groan as I try to get up again.
"No lay here with me some more" he mumbles sleepily.
His morning voice.......
"I have to get up!!" I laugh hitting him In the face with my pillow.
"Not nice" he grumbles letting go of me.
"I have to get up." I say again as get out of bed and go into the bathroom.
I shower, brush my teeth, etc.
I wrap a towel around myself and walk back into the bedroom.
I look over and see that Taylors asleep again.
I carefully walk over to my suitcase and pull out an Cammo Duck Dynasty crop top, white short shorts, cammo Vans, and my white beanie.
I pull my hair in a side braid and slip on my beanie.
Being Taylors asleep, I quickly get dressed in the room.
After I'm dressed, I walk over to Taylor and climb on top of his sleeping figure.
I lay on top of him and kiss his cheek.
His eyes open sleepily and he smiles.
"Sleep well?" I question getting off of him.
"Yep" he yawns sitting up.
"So, what do you wanna do today?" I ask
"Umm how about we go shopping" he says in a gay voice.
"No I hate shopping" i groan
"Aiight, we could make a Youtube video?" He offers
"Brilliant!!" I say running to my suitcase and pulling out my Polaroid Camera.
"What should we do the video on?" he asks
"How about a TMI Tag?" I suggest setting up my camera.
"Sure should we post the hashtag on twitter" he asks pulling out his phone.
"Yep" I say grabbing my phone and going on twitter.
I tweet:
Doing a TMI Tag vid with @taylorcaniff! Send us questions with #TMITag
After I tweet that, I set up the camera again and press record.
"Hey guys what's up! Its Megan here with, special guest Taylor Caniff" I say as Taylor sits down next to me, in front of the camera
"Sup" he says.
"Today we are doing a TMI Tag!! I told you guys to send me questions using the hashtag TMI Tag." I explain scrolling through questions people sent.
"Question 1: Do you bite your nails?" Taylor reads.
"Yup" I say showing the camera my bitten down fingernails
"Same here" Taylor replies
"Question 2: How big is Taylors dick?" I laugh
"Erm I don't know.... 8 inches?" He replies.
"Go measure it!" I laugh handing him a ruler.
"Bossy" he says walking into the bathroom.
Minutes later, he walks back out smirking.