CH 34

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This is the last chapter! make sure to read the Authors note at the end and be sure to have a box of tissues near by. fyi

Megans POV:

the next morning i wake up and hear dishes clanging in the kitchen dowstairs. i rub my eyes and reach for my phone on the night table.

i slide my finger across the screen, the time reads 10:30AM. i yawn and sit up, for a second i forget where i am, but i quickly remember i am at Taylors house. i swing my legs over the side of the bed and walk toward the door. after stumbling over my feet a few times, i finally am able to make it through the door frame and to the bathroom. 

i turn the light on and do my business, then proceed downstairs. i walk into the kithcen and find that the guys are nowhere to be seen. i walk to the pantry and pull out a bowl and pour cereal into it. i take the bowl and pour milk into it and walk into the lvingroom, and sitting on the couch after turning on the t.v 

about five minutes in Criminal Minds (one of my fave shows btw) Cam walks into the room and sits next to me on the couch

"aye whaddup" he smiles

"nothing, hey where were you and the guys this morning? i woke up and no one was here" i ask, muting the t.v

"oh we had some business to take care of" he smiles deviously 

what the fuck did these morons do this time?

"like what?" i ask 

"its a secret but after your done i need you to come with me" He says, taking my bowl from me and shoving me out of the door. "go home and get dressed" he smirks

"what about my overnbight bag? its in the guest room dumby"  i say walking back to the dor

"ill bring it to you later, go home and get done" he smiles, slamming the door in my face.


i shrug it off and walk home, across the dew filled grass. note, dont walk barefoot in the grass in the morning.

after i reach my front door, theres a note on it. it says: 

Dear Meg, 

We are going to an amusement park today, being you werent home, we left a key under the mat for you. please be responsible this time and keep watch over Jefferey. you know my number if you need anything. i already cleared it with Taylors mom, you are welcome to spend the night there again tonight being we wont be home for a few days. love you  honey pie. 

love, Mom and Dad. 

i sigh and rip the note off the door, and chuck it into the bushes, i pick up the door mat and find the house key, i unlock the door and throw the key on the kitchen counter. i groan and trot up stairs, and into my room where there is another note laying on my bed. only this one isnt my parents handwriting... 


today i8s a very special day. it is our 8 month anniversary. i know it doesnt feel like it, but i kept track. i know, creepy. but6 today i ahev made plans that will astonish you. please excuse all gramar errors in this letter, after you finish reading this note, look in the back of your closet for a medium sized blue box. there will another note on the top, with further instructions. i love you babe!


i smile and tuck the note into my pocket. i follow his intstructions and paw through my closet until i come across the blue box with another ote taped to it. 

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