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Heuy guys, alot of shit has happened and i need to rant so get comfy.

first of all, if you guys wacvhed Carters younow the other night, you may know that he ranted. and i commented "rant about Bart" and he read it out loud and laughed 


i was crying so hard and like just OMFG.

like i am literally still in shock. 

and another news, if u guys kno whuo Tyler White is, he faved me on twitter. he is a semi famous younower and viner and DAMN IS HE FINE.

anyways, he faved me and i started crying again cuz this happened like the day after Carter noticed me so i was still emotionally unstable. 

and THEN. this whole shit happened with Taylor. 

if you dont kno what happened, well ill tell you. 

basically, two years ago taylor made a "offensive" video about gay ppl and Tyler Oakley found it. 

now, Tyler Oakley is a famous youtuber and is openly gay so, Tays video kinda pissed hi off. 

he posted the vid on his twitter causing an uproar of drama to rain down onto Taylor. AGAIN

ppl saw the vid and commenetd really rude crap and shit about tay, telling him to kill himself and crap, and tay read those commentsd and actually thought about killing himself. like damn. 

i, on the other hand, started the hashtag, #WeLoveYouTaylor and it got trending and shit. i replied to every single nasty and hateful comment on the vid telling them to fuck off and loeave him alone, and i got alot of hate for tht too. ppl basically attacked me too, telling me to go die and shit, and unlike tay, i didjnt give a fuck wut ppl said about me cuz theyre irrelavent fucks that have nothing better to do than hate on something he did 2 years ago.

and then he posted a really sad vine of him driving down an empty highway with deoressing music playing and i got really scared tt he would kill himself, but he didint, him and Dillon are a few hours away from me in NC and they went on a mini vacation to escape all the hate. 

anyways, Tyler forgave Tay for what he did and eery thing went back to the way it wasss


it didnt.

the ate commenets are still coming in, and my motifiications on youtube are blowiung up with hate so i kinda just delete any notificatoon i get now lol

anyways onto some good news, if u guys know who baylor barnes is, well i got his snapchat lol. hes perfection and omfg i have his snapchat.

anddddd as u all kno im a HUGE 5SOS and 1D fan, well in october..... the WWA Tour is coming to Tampa and im going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like wat????

im going to see all 9 of my baes in one night. 






harry( omfg hes my fave and i may die when i see him) 





and im getting a pennyboard.

me and my best friend are going and we're both getting penny boards so we;re ride our boards around the stadium cuz swag.

but like this is my first concert ever so i may die. 

i hae a few months so we are guna raise alot of money to get good seats at the show. 


thats it

so alot of shit is going on and i cant handle it all lol

but 5SOS are my babes so i will die when i go and shiut same with 1d and all tht shit





ok im done ranting 

thx for reading, we gt 600 reads!!!!!! the next chapter is the end!!!!

i hope ur ready! jk its like two chapters away tbh

ily all and stay amazing. 

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