Megan's POV:
The next few days are filled with fun, me and Taylor rode every waterslide on the boat and tomorrow, we arrive in the Bahamas!!
"i cant wait to lay on the beach all day and sip juice from a coconut" i sigh in content laying back on my lawn chair.
we are all laying by the pool and relaxing and this is the first time in months where there isnt any drama and im taking advantage of that.
"yeah, just you and me" Taylor smiles
"nope im hanging out with Lauren, sorry Taylor." i smirk
"who am i gunna hang out with?" he pouts
"the guys doofus, me and Lauren need some bonding time" i laugh
"fine but when we get back on this boat, your all mine" he groans
"sure" i smile kissing his jawline
"alright well what are we going to do the rest of the day?" Jaco asks
"i dont know but im bored" Aaron groans
"me too, maybe we can go make a youtube video?" i suggest
"great idea, we can make a life update on where everyone stands in their careers" Nash exclaims
"alright lets gooooo" i say jumping up
after we all reach the room, we set up my camera and start recording, we are going to put the video on all of our channels.
after we all film our own intros, we begin filming
"hey guys! Its Megan here with the rest of the family" i exclaim gesturing to the rest of the guys and Mahogany
"today we are going to be filming a little update on our lives and stuff" i smile
"well i'l start, i joined 26mgmt and--" i say but i am interupted by Aaron slapping me with shaving cream
"SMACK CAM" he yells
"your dead Carpenter" i threaten and run to the bathroom to wash my face.
i pour some shaving cream into my hand and walk back into the room where Aaron is holding my camera, making sure to capture the smack cam battle that has broken out.
"i walk over to him and grab the camera and hand it to Taylor. Aaron gives me a questionable look and i walk over to him.
"SMACK CAMMMMMM" i scream slapping him.'
"damn Meg" he groans walking to the bathroom.
"hey Megan..." Mahogany smile evilly walking up to me
"umm yeah?" i ask nervously
"wanna make a plan?" she asks pulling me away from the guys
"what kind of plan?" i ask
"Me you and Lauren team up and get the guys" she smirks
"im in, does Lauren know?" i ask
"yep, shes in my room, preparing our weapons" she grins pulling me to her room
when i walk in, i see Lauren filling water balloons, and there are thee big water guns laying on her bed.
"oh hell yeah" i chant walking over to the water guns
i pick them up and throw two of them to Mahogany and Lauren, keeping one for myself, which i hold against my chest.
"you ready?" Lauren asks handing me 5 water balloons