CH 16

423 9 1

Megans POV:

I wake up the next day with the sun shining brightly in my face.

I groan and sit up, rubbing my eyes.

"Good afternoon" Aaron smirks from his couch.

"What time is it?" I question

"2:45" He smiles

"I SLEPT OVER 12 HOURS?!" I exclaim jumping out of bed

"Calm down its not a big deal." He laughs

"Where's Cam and Taylor?" I ask running my hands through my hair

"Down getting food" he says

"Oh. Well before they return, I'm gunna shower and get dressed" I say dragging my suitcase into the bathroom.

"Have fun!" He calls as I close and lock the bathroom door.

After I wash up, shave and do my menstrual business (put a tampon in), I get dressed.

I pull on a purple muscle shirt, white shorts, purle Vans, and a white beanie.

I french braid my hair.

Still no makeup.

After I'm done, I walk into the room and see that Taylor and Cam have returned.

"Aye little mama" Cam smiles as I sit next to Taylor on the couch

"Aye Dallas" I say

"Aye babe" Taylor says kissing my cheek

"Hi" I smile kissing his cheek too

"EWW NO PDA" Aaron gripes throwing a pillow at us.

"Shut the fuck up" I laugh throwing the pillow back

"So what's todays agenda?" Cam asks eating a donut

"I dunno. A meetup?" I suggest stealing his donut

"Sounds good" Aaron chimes in.

"What time?" I ask

"Umm 3-5" Taylor replies

"Sure" I say as I toss the rest of the donut into my mouth.


"Hey guys!! Thank you all so much for coming out!!" I yell into a bullhorn

"Yo guys its me Taylor!!" Taylor yells pulling off his shirt

The crowd goes nuts.

"Today, we are gunna meet some of you!!" I exclaim.

After a few minutes, we have to head up to the room again cause it got too crazy.

"That was so fucking insane!!" I exclaim flopping onto the bed.

"Yeah." Aaron agrees

"How much longer are we staying in Miami?" I ask

"No idea" Cameron yawns

"Well I'm already bored as fuck here" I groan

"Well There's a Pacers game in Indiana tomorrow if you wanna come with me and Aaron." Taylor suggests

"umm okay?" I shrug.

"Great" Aaron smiles

"Hey umm Tay, can we talk?" Cam asks nervously sratching the back of his neck.

"Yea, sure" Taylor shrugs as they walk into the hallway

After minutes, they come back in, Taylor, smirking

"Something up?" I ask as he lays down on the bed.

"Yeah. But I'm not telling you" he taunts

"That's not fair bitch" I whine

"You'll find out tomorrow" he winks

"Ok then?" I laugh

"Well gnite guys" Aaron yawns laying on his bed.

"I'm going to change" I say going into the bathroom and pulling on my pajamas and pulling my hair into a ponytail.

After I'm done i walk into the room and climb into the bed with Taylor.

"Night" I yawn kissing his jawline

"Night" he replies wrapping his arms around my waist

"I love you" I whisper so only he can hear

"I love you too" he whispers back, kissing my forehead.

"I can hear you" Cam says obnoxiously

"Shut up" I blush. Falling asleep to Taylors steady heartbeat



I know this sucked balls, my weeks been busy, my mom left town and its just me and ky dad until Monday night.

I just wanted to update cuz I was bored.

Thank you all for the 47 reads i have.

That means alot.

Oh and as you know, I'm a huge mahomie, well anyways, Austin did a friday night Usteam last night, and I watched it. Needless to say, it was perfection.

Anyways, I sent in a little comment, during his ustream, and I said "Austin, if you see this, I love you" and he saw it and said "Aww I love you too"

I completely flipped shit

I screamed.




Rolled on the floor


And had an asthma attack

Yep, that's right, I had an asthma attack cuz i fangirled too hard.

I had my inhaler so I'm all good.

Anyways, I'm aiight now.

But still kinda freaked out that he said that to ME lol

But gnite guys

Stay Classy

And a little Nashty

Save the dolphins


Keep it weird



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