Taylor's POV:
After I get home, after a short flight home. I run into the house and immediately go to the kitchen. I pull out a bag of Cheetos and run to my room.
I push my clothes into my closet and walk to my computer.
I scroll through my feed on twitter when I come across a very interesting picture of Dillon.
its the picture I had taken of him a while ago, of him wearing booty shorts and on his hands and knees, doggy style on my kitchen table, with his finger to him mouth, as if silencing you.
I end up dying of laughter cause I remember that day quite vividly. it was the day I had met Megan.....
"Taylor stop laughing and take the picture!!" Dillon whines.
we are taking this disturbing picture to scare his girlfriend into breaking up with him.
"ok ok dude im sorry but this shit is too fucking funny" I laugh clutching my stomach.
"Dude please Vanessa will be here soon." he pleads
"fine" I chuckle snapping the picture
"sweet" he smirks getting off the table
"so wha--" I begin but there is a knock at the door.
"Ill get it" I ay going to the front door.
I open the door to reveal a beautiful brunette, brown eyed haired girl.
"Hi! I'm Megan!!!" she smiles sticking out her hand.
"uh h-hi" I stutter. taking her hand in mine briefly
"im Nash's little sister and I will be joining you guys on the MAGCON tour so I thought, why not meet you being im on vacation with my family" she babbles
"oh, well its nice to meet you." I smile "would you like to come in?" I offer
"uhm sure" she smiles, stepping inside
"Hey Taylor is Vanes--" he begins but sees Megan standing in the front hallway.
"oh, hi, I didn't realize Taylor was having company" Dillon smiles
"its alright, I didn't mean to intrude, but may I ask, why the hell are you wearing those shorts?" she asks eyeing his short shorts that he has yet t take off.
I cant help but let out a snicker
"oh, you see, we were taking this picture to scare my girlfriend into breaking up with me" he says nonchalantly
"oh that makes so much sense!" she jokes
"you want something to drink?" I ask
"sure, whatcha got?" she asks following me into the kitchen
"vodka, beer, soda, fruit punch" i smirk
"ill have vodka" she joke as I pulls out a bottle of root beer from the fridge
"root beer it is!" I say sarcastically pouring her and I a cup of the drink.
"thank you" she smiles sipping it
"so, your a Grier huh?" I question, leaning up against the counter
"yeah,im 14. im right in between Nash and Hayes" she smiles
"oh that's pretty cool, im 17" I say sipping my drink some more
"oh that's cool I guess" she teases