Megans POV:
After a long night of crying and whining, Taylor and I decide to go swimming in his pool.
I pull on my brown and white bikini and lay in a lounge chair, on the side of the pool.
I close my eyes and relax myself.
I hear the sliding glass door, open and close indicating that Taylor was now out here with me.
"Hey" he says softly, walking over to me and kissing my cheek.
"Hi" I sigh
"Are you ok?" He asks, concern laced in his voice.
I nod as he lays down on the chair next to mine
"Do you wanna get in the pool?" He asks
I shake my head and close my eyes
I hear him get up, and I feel him leaning over me.
I open my eyes and see that his lips are centimeters from mine.
"Please come in the pool with me?" He pouts
I giggle lightly and wrap my arms around his neck , nodding
He smiles and scoops me up, brida style.
"Taylor!!" I laugh as he walks to the edge of the pool.
"Hold your breath!" He smirks, jumping into the pool.
We plunge to the bottom of the pool, my butt hitting the floor. I kick off and swim to the surface.
"That was fun!" I laugh as he resurfaces, shaking his wet hair.
"Yeah it was" he smiles
"I'm gunna do a backflip into the pool" I say swimming to the edge. I place my hands outside the pool, and try to pull myself out, with no such luck.
I hear Taylor laugh, then i feel him touching my butt, pushing me out of the water.
I stand up and swat his hands.away laughing.
I make my way to the deeper end of the pool.
"You can do it!" Tay yells, clapping.
I turn my back to the pool and swing my arms over my head.
I close my eyes and swing my arms, I flip off the edge of the pool, plunging backward into the 7ft pool.
I swim to the very bottom, and swim along it.
I make my way over to where Tay is.
I swim up to his legs, and grab one, pulling him underwater
He falls under and comes face to face with me.
He smirks and plants his lips on mine before pulling us both to the surface.
Once we're resurfaced, he wastes no time attacking my lips.
He swims backward with one arm around my waist, tugging me along.
We reach the steps of the pool and he sits me on them, attacking my lils once more.
I snake my arms underwater, tracing his abs with my hands.
He then, trails kisses down to my sweet spot on my neck, he kisses it once and blows his minty breath across it, teasing me.
I groan in annoyance and pull his lips back up to meet mine.
We continue making out until he is practically dry humping me.
I blush and shove him off.
He smirks, attacking my neck with little love bites.
His hands travel down to the small of my back as mine tangle in his wet hair.
His he moves his hands lower, while still attacking my neck.
As he leaves one more love bite, he pulls away smirking.
He swims to the opposite side of the pool.
"What the fuck?" I whine
"I told you that id get you back, so i got you all turned on and then stopped, like you did to me" he smirks
I pout my lips and huff
He sees this cracks up, finding my want and need for him right now, extremely funny.
I huff again and he swims back over.
"Next time, I'll leave you hangin" he mumbles, slamming his lips on mine once more.
After our rather steamy makeout session in fbe pool, both our lips are swollen and there are like 20 little love bite covering my neck.
It is 4:45 now, so we decide to order pizza.
After 30 minutes of waiting, it arrives, I eat 4 pieces and Tay eats 3.
By the time we settle in for bed, I have 4 missed calls from my mom.
I sigh and call her back.
"Megan?!" She sounds shocked, answering tbe phone.
"You called me earlier?" I ask
"Oh yeah, hun, Nash and Hayes aren't going to MAGCON Nashville" she explains
"Ok, ill see them when I get home next week" I roll my eyes
"And about last night....." she trails off
"What?" I ask, rather annoyed
"I'm sorry I have been putting all this pressure on you, I shouldn't expect you to be a mofherly figure to your siblings, but I need you to know, that no matter what happens, I will always love you" she finishes.
"I love you too" I sigh
"Bye sweetie" she says, hanging up.
I put my phone on the dresser, and climb into bed woth Taylor.
"Night" I yawn
"Night, love you" he whispers, kissing my forehead
"Love you too" I yawn again
And I fall asleep as Taylor traces his fingers over the many love bites on my neck.