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I hit snooze on my alarm clock an groaned
"Why is school a thing" I whined
"Mal get up and start getting ready or else your gonna be late" says Evie
"Do I have to" I played with evie for five more minutes
Evie just shakes her head and pulls me out of bed and picks me out an outfit.
I get dressed and have a quick bite to eat before class.
=======time skip========
After class is done I hurry to get to my locker and try and catch Ben before his practice
"Hey bennyboo" I say walking up to him "are we still on this weekend for my birthday dinner?"
"Oh....shoot I totally forgot, I have meetings all weekend" Ben said "I'm so sorry I promise I'll make it up next weekend."
Oh... it's okay it's fine you do what you need to do I'll just do a movie night with Evie instead." I say forcing a smile on my face.
"Oh....umm this is akward a lot of my meetings are with Evie about the kids on the isle of the lost." Ben said "Maybe you can do something with Jay and Carlos?"
"Yeah I'll go ask them after practice" I say sadly
As I'm walking away Ben calls out to me saying he almost forgot he had another gift for me.
As we arounded the corner into the courtyard a woman walking a bunch of different dogs came over to us.
"You can choose anyone of these dogs." He said
I leaned down and saw a dog that practically jumping out of his skin when I gave him attention. When I picked him up he got all wigglely and kept trying to lick my face. I feel an arm go around my waist and look up to see Ben. He laughs when he sees the pup try and kiss my face when I stoped paying attention. Ben takes the dog from me and takes and holds him at arms length. "You better not steal my lady little man." Laughing I grab the dog back. "I think he's the one Ben." Ben walks away and over to the lady next to the dog pen. I look done at the pup and start to think of names.

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