New Kids

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"Mal are you sure you want to bring over 4 new kids from the isle," ben says scratching his head " I mean no offense but everyone hates us especially you honey."
I know a few people who would love to come over that won't cause any mischief well three of them won't I'm not so sure about Griffin though he's always been trouble." I say " but I think it'll be fine."

==time skip a few days later==
(Outfit above)

Me and Ben stand out front waiting for them to arrive. Ben still doesn't know who I picked so he's even more nervous then me Evie, Jay, and Carlos are inside waiting to give them a tour. Suddenly the limo pulls around the corner and stops in front of us. The door opens and out comes Heather Gods, daughter of the God of the Underworld, Hades. Next comes Griffin Gothel son of Mother Gothel. After him steps out Melanie daughter of Medusa. And last but not least is Samantha daughter of Shan-yu (mulan's villain).
(Heathers outfit and hair)

(Heathers outfit and hair)

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(Melanie's outfit and hair)

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(Melanie's outfit and hair)

(Melanie's outfit and hair)

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(Samantha's hair and out fit)

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(Samantha's hair and out fit)

(Samantha's hair and out fit)

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_____________________ I run up to Heather, Melanie, and Samantha an gave them a hug

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I run up to Heather, Melanie, and Samantha an gave them a hug. We all started talking at once catching up and stuff, when Griffin came behind me and picked me up threw me over his shoulder and said "has anyone seen pipesqueek any where I can't seem to find her?"
"Put her down!" Ben demanded "She is your Queen and you shall treat her with respect!"
As he slides me down off his shoulder I give him one last hug then take ben to the side and scold him. "You have got to be kidding me we were having fun, I know it's a strange thing to grasp Ben because you never have any but that's what that was fun he wasn't hurting me he was playing around." I stop and take a deep breath because by then I was practically yelling at him. "I'm sorry I yelled beaut I meant what I said." I turn and walk back over to my friends and apologize for bens rude behavior and that they should come inside and meet everyone else.

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