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"What do you mean it was felt by both sides?!? There is no way my father ever loved your mother!, I mean how could he she was a monster!." Ben ranted as he paced the sitting room "My father only ever loved one thing before my mother and that was himself!"

"Ben, I can't answer these questions," I shake my head, "I'm only telling what I Know to be true. Believe me or not the only person who can really tell you the truth is your dad," I walk up beside him, give him a kiss on his cheek and head off to bed. a while later I feel the Bed dip beside me and feel Ben's arm pull me closer. I snuggle in closer and fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning to a knock on the door it. I put on my robe and look at the bed next to me. It was empty. Sighing I slip on my slippers and answer the door. It was Lumiar. "Madam, His Majesty has requested your highness presence in the dining hall. He says to tell you his parents are here and wants you there when he confronts his father. Sighing I thank Lumiar and head down towards the dining hall I see Ben giving the death stare to Adam. I look between Adam and Belle and notice how confused the both are at his anger. When Belle notices my presence in the dining hall she perks up and exclaims, "Oh Mal dear so nice of you to join us," She gives I look the says 'what's wrong with Ben' I just shake my head. I walk over to Ben and give him a quick peck on the lips before sitting down. I grab a plant and pile on food. I clear my throat to try and clear the tension in the room. "So Adam how is retirement?" "It's great I'm about to go on a golf trip next week," and that's how the conversation goes for the two or three minutes between me and Ben's parents when suddenly Ben bursts out. "Did you and Mal's mom have have a thing?!" The room falls silent and the maid in the corner of the room drops the water jug she was holding.
I turn to the maid and signal for her to go and leave the mess. I turn back to the table to she Ben clutching his fist so tight his knuckles were turning white. I grab his hand and turn to his parents.
Belle is completely drained of color with her eyes darting inbetween her son and husband, Adam seems more angry then shocked. Then he says something I never thought he would admit. "Yes"

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