Wedding planing

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"Eeeeekk!!!!" Lonnie squeals "I can't believe your getting married in less the a month"
"I know right" Audrey puts in "But what I really can't believe is that you're letting me be in your wedding!!!!!"
"Don't make me change my mind" I say threateningly
"You can't or chad will be walking down by himself." Audrey says back to me
Knock knock knock
"Come in" Evie yells to the door "it's already unlocked."
"Hey guys the limos ready to go when your ready Mal," says Jane shyly "but the driver ask that we are done by five so that should give us about five hours to look for the dresses."
"Okay lets go" I squeal excitedly
=======time skip=======

(Lonnie's dress)

(Audrey's dress)

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(Audrey's dress)

(Audrey's dress)

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(Jane's dress)

(Evie's dress)

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(Evie's dress)

(Dizzy's dress)

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(Dizzy's dress)

__________________________________________ "And now the only dress left to pick is yours Mal" Jane says excitedly"Okay so I've been thinking an

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_____________________ "And now the only dress left to pick is yours Mal" Jane says excitedly
"Okay so I've been thinking an...." I start say before Audrey interrupts "I know we can see all the smoke coming out of your ears!"
"Ha ha ha" I say sarcastically "No but serisously I want each of you to pick me out a dress for me to choose from!"
"Yay" yells Lonnie
"Shhhh." Says some store employee
(Time skip to where everyone but Jane has picked out a dress to show Mal)
"I really like them all but I don't know if there for me" I say calmly
"Hey Mal wanna take a look at mine" says Jane shyly from behind me.
"Okay Jane......" my mouth drops open because Jane just found the perfect wedding dress.

" my mouth drops open because Jane just found the perfect wedding dress

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