Magic husband

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So What does this mean for my child mom?" I ask shaking "and what about the other two,"
"Well usually only one or two inherit the magical ability the other will just be carriers... just like your brothers," she says with a smirk
"You have no right to mention them not what after you did to them!" I stop shaking "You tortured and beat them all because they didn't show any magical traits,"
Well they lucky I let them live," Mom laughs "hmm...I wonder if anyone has found them locked in the basement yet,"
My eyes widen when Ben come bursting into the room. His eyes widen with shock and the anger when he sees me holding my mom but before he can say anything to me she says "Well if it isn't my precious son-in-law, always a pleasure to see you but it is just a tad rude to barge into a room unannounced like this," my mother says with her voice dripping sarcasm. "Now if I can continue with my explanation that would be great," she looks between me and Ben who just stands there looking at me in shock and what I think is a hint of betrayal. "Now as I was saying before we were so rudely interrupted your child is showing signs of magic so early because she received a magical trait from both parents and yes Ben you do have magic." My mother turns her head towards him "But please hold all questions till the end,"
"So when I turned your father into a beast the magic had to be under his skin in order for it to take its full effect which is why it took your father a couple of days to fully transform into a beast and everyday the spell became stronger as more and more magic soked into his blood stream causing him to be a carrier but not be able to use it, if that makes sense to you," my mom says "any questions or can I go back to my cage, you did just interrupt my dinner."

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