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It's Friday and Evie says she has a surpise for me because she feels bad about being gone all day on my birthday so I hurry and get dressed.
And I head to meet Evie out front. When I get there she's talking to the limo driver. I wait for her to finish before I walk over to her.
"Hey E, so will you tell me now what we doing today" I say
"Nope, not yet wait M" says Evie excitedly "I'll tell you where we're going first though"
"Where are we going the suspense is killing me?" I say
" we're getting our nails done" says Evie squealing "Aren't you excited, M?"
"Why are we going you know I don't like that kind of stuff?" I say
"Because I like doing that stuff" says Evie
========time skip=======
Evie's nails

 "Hey E, so will you tell me now what we doing today" I say"Nope, not yet wait M" says Evie excitedly "I'll tell you where we're going first though""Where are we going the suspense is killing me?" I say" we're getting our nails done" says Evie squ...

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Mal's nails

"Now lets get some new dresses" says EvieEvies dress

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"Now lets get some new dresses" says Evie
Evies dress

"Now lets get some new dresses" says EvieEvies dress

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Mals dress

"Now you have to admit you had fun, M" said Evie"Yes actually I did, E I really did" I said happily

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"Now you have to admit you had fun, M" said Evie
"Yes actually I did, E I really did" I said happily.
I grap my shopping bags from the trunk of the limo and head to our dorms. When I reach our dorm Carlos comes down the hall.
"Hey Mal, hi Evie" says Carlos
"Hey Carlos" we say back together in union.
"Well I'm off to bed sweet dreams" he says leaving
"E I'm so tired so you mind if I just hit the hay" I say
"Um what does hit the hay mean" Evie says confused
"Oh I learned that from Lonnie apparently it's away to say your gonna go to sleep" I say explaining
"Oh okay yeah I'm gonna go to bed to."
So we get into our pajamas and go to bed
======time skip!!!=======
(5:30 pm Saturday Mals b-day)
" M get into that dress I bought you yesterday" demands Evie suddenly barging into our room.
"Wait what why" I stammer still a little startled
"Just do it and no questions" she says
After I get into my dress. Evie leads me to the castle.
She opens the door and suddenly all the lights come flying on and every one I know yells SUPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAL!!!!!!!!!

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