Wedding part 2

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Wide eyed I watch as three guards tackle him and try to stop him from moving. I slowly make my towards the guards but ben cane to my side to stop me thinking I was angry and going to cast a spell. "I'm okay Ben I just need a minute alone with my dad, is that okay with you Ben?" I whisper into his ear gently.
He turns to face me shocked "are you sure that's him Mal" he says concerned
"Yeah I'm sure"
"Okay then guard bring him to the back room the lady wishes to talk to him" he shouts the command to the guards who bow and drag the man out of the chapel.
I hug ben then head to the back room. When I enter he's sitting on the couch waiting for me. He smiles when I enter and says "hey Dumplin long time no see."
"Yeah you could say that it's been what almost 17 years now Daddy" I snap at him angry that he abondened me with my mother all those years on the isle. "Why are you here"
I'm sorry if I wanted to see my little girl on her wedding day in person and not over the TV!" He says hurt
"Why what" he says
"Why did you abonden me on the isle, why didn't you try to get me away from mother, why did you never atempt to try and contact me over the years, why didn't you contact me when I first came to auredon why were you never there for me through out my entire life" I say angry at first but then slowly I start to cry.
"Don't you think I wanted to don't you think I would of if I could have I wanted to be there for you but you mother threaten your life if I tried to contact you and I didn't know if you would even remember me by the time you left the isle Mally I really wanted to be there for you but I couldn't but there wasn't a moment that passed that I didn't think about you" he said starting to cry too.
"Oh dad" I say balling "dad I know it's a little late notice but will you give me away at my wedding, pretty please with a cherry on top?"
"How can I say no to you sweetheart" he says back
25 minutes later we find my dad a suit fix my makeup and hair everyone rewalks down the isle and my dad gives me away. As I look look into Bens eyes and him into mine I realize I've found my true love. And suddenly I hear "you may kiss the bride" and me and ben are kissing!
Oh yeah and then I got crowned Queen

 And suddenly I hear "you may kiss the bride" and me and ben are kissing!Oh yeah and then I got crowned Queen

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