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(3 Weeks Later)
I moved myself and the triplets into a new house. It was smaller then we were used to and the triplets had to share a room but we made it work.
Me and Ben have talked twice, once during Evie and Doug's wedding and when he took Mason for a day. As of right now he is only allowed to see Mason cause he is the only one that has yet to show signs of Magic. Since I refused anyone's help I got myself a job at the local cafè. Evie and Belle have been a good help with babysitting and other favors with the babies.

I pull into my drive way just getting home from work when I see the Palace Limousine parked in it already. I quickly turn off the car and run inside. When I reach the front door I reach for my keys but as I'm about to slide them into the lock, my front door swings open and out comes two Palace Guards holding Bella and Mason. They freeze when the see me. With my fist clenched and my eyes turning bright green I say to them in a low voice, "What the hell do you think you are doing with my children?" The Guards stay quiet for a minute before a third one comes out and speaks, "We are here on the orders of King Ben." My gaze turned towards him and he visibly shrinks back before continuing, "We were sent to retreive the heirs and bring them home."
Taking a deep breath I say "Put my kids back inside now... or else!" The two guards carrying Mason and Bella start to walk back inside but again the third guard speaks. "I'm sorry your majesty but we cannot do that, we were given very clear instructions that we were not to return without the heirs,"
"Okay so now I'm giving you 'clear instructions' to return my kids to their room!" They still didn't move so I yelled "NOW!" That sent the two guards running back inside. "Tell Ben I'm coming over to talk later tonight," I said to the last guard.
I storm into the palace. I yell to the first servant I see, "Where is Ben?!" She shakally points towards his study. I burst in to find him talking to Audrey. She jumps when she hears the door burst open. Seeing me she pales a bit before turning to Ben and giving him a small wave before leaving the room.

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