Magic baby

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"Wahhh!!!!!!" Mason screams,
"," I say bouncing him in my arms while Ben has Emily screaming in his arms. After awhile we finally get them to calm down so I go check on Bella who some how managed to sleep through all that.
"Hey Baby girl," I whisper softly as I lean down to kiss Bella's forehead. "Mommy loves you I hope you know that," and as soon as I finished saying that her eyes flew open and her hazel eyes turned to a glowing green! As soon as I saw this I screamed at the top of my lungs "Benjamin Florian Beast get your kingly behind in here now!"
A maid comes bursting in soon after followed by Ben
"What's wrong Mal," Ben pants out of breath
"Her eyes are green," I say pointing at her
"Ben leans down over the crib and picks Bella up who's fallen back asleep somehow and when Ben wakes her up her eyes are still glowing green. Ben immediately turns to me and says "how,"
But all I can do is stare in disbelief. As I'm starring at her i notice that her eyes slowly begin to change back to normal. I ran from her room to mine where I grab my mom from her cage. I quickly cast a spell so I could speak to her.
"Hello darling, what do you bneed,"
"How does my daughter already showing signs of magic!
"Oh that's an easy one, you and your husband both have magic in your bloods."
"Ben doesn't have magic in his blood!?"
"Yes he does he father was a beast made of magic for more then twenty years, magic soaks into the blood, darling, he can't use it but he has it..."

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