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(Ben's POV)
"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!" I hear mal scream from down the hallway.
I jump out of my desk and as I'm about to reach for the door a maid comes in panting " Your Royal Highness your Royal Wife has sent me to tell you that her water broke!"
"Yes sir" she squeaks in fear
                 ( 3 hours Later )
"Your Highness your wife is ready to see you now." The Docter says from Mals room
"Thank you, Doc" I say as he bows
I walk into Mals room and see three little babies wrapped in white blankets two in cribs one in Mals arms. I walk over to her lean down and give her a kiss on the forehead.
"Ben, meet Mason our son, and over there the little girl in the crib closest to me is our eldest child Bella and the little girl farthest from me is the youngest and her name is Emily," She says smiling up at me
"Their perfect Mal absolutely perfect,"
========time skip=======
P.O.V. Mal
I unbuckle Emily from her car seat and hand her to Belle and then unbuckle Bella and we carry them inside. We drop Mason off in his room with Ben, then me, my daughters and Belle go on a stroll through the gardens. Around 3:24 Emily started to cry which caused Bella to cry. Me and Belle took them inside to get a bottle. On the way to the kitchen we passed Ben and Mason who also started to cry when he heard his sisters crying. So then me and Ben had a race to the kitchen.

Thank you for everyone's name suggestions but these are the people I picked

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