Unwelcomed Spells and Angry Best Friends

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After that Yes left Ben's dad's mouth things broke into chaos. Ben stands up so quickly that his chair falls over quickly followed was Ben's fists slamming down onto the table; this caused the food platters and drink pitchers to fly everywhere. Belle quickly rushed to her sons side grabbing his hand while I grab the other and force him out of the room and onto one of the ottomans in the hallway.

As soon as we let him go he jumps back onto his feet and trys to barge back into the dining room. Seeing he was on going to do something stupid I quickly cast a spell,

"Import the urge for natural sleep,
Whatever may be the hour,
When after a time, he may wake,
Naught of these workings
may his senses take.
The hour is here to let thine body
repose' and gently drift away."

I hear Belle gasp as I rush to keep Ben from falling and hitting the floor. I slowly lower Ben's body to the ground and summon a couple of the guards to carry him back to our room. On the way up the door bell rings and I turn to belle, "Would you mind going to see who that is," She gestures at Ben but before she can complain I rush to answer her unspoken questions, "I need to wake him up and after me and him need to talk, if you need me to answer any questions I will later but as of right now Ben needs me, the door needs to be answered, and Adam probable needs you.

=====================TIME SKIP===================

"Mal!" Evie yells barging into the room, "Where have you been and why have you been ignoring my calls," She stops at the foot of the bed and looks between me and Ben, "since when did you start using magic again?"

"Long story involving Ben probably attacking his dad." She gives me a weird look before shaking her head, "I can't believe you would use your mothers sleeping spell but I don't have time to argue with you about this," she walks to the side of the bed I'm sitting on and grabbed my hand. "As I can tell you have forgotten we are going shopping for Bridesmaid dresses!"

"Oh shoot E, I'm so sorry," I stand up and head into the closet. "Give me a minute to change,"

Rushing down stairs I rush into the dining room

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Rushing down stairs I rush into the dining room. I see Belle and Adam sitting across from Evie. I walk over to them, "Hey can you watch the triplets while me and Evie go shopping?" Adam nods his head not looking me in the eye once. Belle nods her head before asking, "How's Ben?"

I give her a small smile before answering, "The spell was stronger then I thought but he should wake up sometime tomorrow night or early the next morning," I try to reassure her. Evie starts to mutter "If you hadn't used your mothers spinning wheel spell this wouldn't of happened!" Belle gasps as I reach over the table and whack Evie on the back of the head. Turning back to Belle I reach over and grab her hand. "I didn't use the full spell so it'll be fine," she yanks her hand away, "If worst comes to worst I can force him awake though that is not recommended," I turn to Evie and gesture for her to follow. As I walk out the front door and down the front steps I see the limo waiting for us. inside I see Lonny, Audrey, Jane, Dizzy, Heather, Melanie, and Samantha. Giving everyone a quick wave I shoo heather further back to make room for me.

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