Crying children and Marriage

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( ^ ^ ^ Outfit Above ^ ^ ^ )

"WAHHHHHH!" Mason screamed at the top of his lungs
"Sh.. sh.. sh.." I have mason in my arms trying to rock him back to sleep. I see Ben staring at me through the door. I know he has questions he wants p but I'm not sure I can answer them. The only people who can truly explain are my mother and his father.
I come out of my thoughts when I felt mason being lifted out of my arms. I looked up to find Ben placing a now asleep mason back in his crib. Ben turns back to me and offer me his hand. I get up and take it and we walk out of masons room and back to our own.

When we reach our room I head straight for the bed but when I notice Ben just standing there I pause before turning back around and going over to him. I take his hands and lead him to the sitting area just off our room. We sit down in silence for a while. I soon speak up, "Look Ben I know this is confusing and you have questions but..."

"But what," he interrupts, "I'm magic Mal, something i was told growing could be dangerous, how is this even possible Mal?"

I let out a sigh before turning to look out the window. "It takes a very strong kind of magic to affect your dad and his Descendants. A magic as old as time it's self. A magic used for both good and evil. This magic must have been felt by both parties. This magic is Love."

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