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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, MAL GUESS WHAT!" Evie screams as she runs into my room. Before I can ask what she was so excited about she thrust her hand at me and said "Doug proposed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Awh E, I'm so happy for you!" I say " When's the wedding gonna be?""Sometime after you give birth so in about 5 months, plenty of time to plan

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"Awh E, I'm so happy for you!" I say " When's the wedding gonna be?"
"Sometime after you give birth so in about 5 months, plenty of time to plan." She said excitedly "I'm so excited, don't you love the ring."
"E, you don't have to wait for me to give birth," I say secretly happy I won't be pregnant for her wedding
"M, I want too besides I can't have my maid of honor fat." She says laughing "Now when are we going to the baby doctor?"
"Well we're leaving in about ten minutes and ben will meet us there." I say " But I wanna get there early so we can leave when you're ready,"
"Let's go now!!" Evie says jumping up
We get in the limo and head to Docters appointment
As I walk through the door and am greeted by every in the office scurrying to bow or curtsy to me as I walk by. I nods and gesture for them to get up I walk to the counter and check in. About fifteen minutes later ben walks in.
========time skip=======
"So My King and Queen I have some news about the babies," the doctor says
"Yes," I say "is something wrong with the baby?"
"Oh no quite the opposite" She says smiling "you're having triplets, Congratulations your majesties!"

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