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Pulling into my drive way I turn off the ignition and let out a deep breathe. Without realizing it I started to cry on the way home. I push the tears off my face and fan my eyes to get rid of the puffy mess before plastering on a smile onto my face and heading into the house. When I push open the dear I'm greeted with the sound of laughter coming from the living room. When I walk in I see Bella standing on her legs wobbling around the room while Mason is crawling after her. Belle and Evie were on the couch laughing with Emily. I walked over to Bella and scoop her up in my arms and look down at Mason who looks sad I didn't pick him up. So I reach back down and pick him up too. I walk over to the couch and set down Bella on Evie's lap. She gives me a questioning look and I just shake my head. I turn to belle and hand her another copy of the ultrasound. Her and Evie ooh and aw over it and ask me if I'm gonna find out the gender and other stuff like that.


4:30 am

I walk out of my room the next morning, having been woken up by the door bell. I walk to the door and open it to Ben standing outside drenched in sweat and a boutique of flowers that looked like they had been thrashed around in his hand I started to wonder if he had ran all the way here from the palace. Before I could even open my mouth to say anything to him he took a deep breath and gasped out, "Mal, I'm really sorry"
"Ben...I-i don't..." I struggle to find what to say with him when he cuts me off and says with a tear in his eye "Mal, Please please don't leave me!"

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