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As I walk to jay and carlos' room so I can introduce my new dog to Dude. Which I decided to name Theo. I notice Jane running down the hall in a hurry. She trips and since she was holding a bunch of stuff it all went everywhere I bend down to try and help her with pick it all up but she says she's got it and when I try an insist she practically yells at me. I would have been mad if I hadn't been so darn proud of her. I don't really know why I was so proud but I was. So I got back up and started for their room again.
Knock knock knock
"Come in" yells Carlos
"Hey Carlos look what Ben got me as an early birthday present" I says showing him Theo "I think he and Dude will like each other don't you"
"Yeah, I think their like each other a lot." Says Carlos
"So you wanna do something this weekend for my birthday" I say
"Oh sorry, Mal but me and jay are planning on going on a suprise double date for Lonnie and Jane on your birthday this Saturday" he says "hey maybe we could do something Sunday."
"Yeah that's sound like a lot of fun" I say "Oh and have fun on your double date with Jay this weekend."
I then turn to leave and walk out the door to find Doug, and to see if he wanted to do anything.
=======time skip========
'I'm pretty sure I've looked all over campus and still can't find Doug. So either he was ignoring me or he was somewhere off campus.

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