Maid of honour, betrayal and Suprise

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It had been a week since the sleeping spell and Ben still was angry with me. He refuses to to speak more then five words to me at a time. Belle is also mad at me but at least she is still talking to me. I told Adam it would probably be better if he avoided Ben for a bit.
I decided if Ben didn't start talking to me by Evies wedding I would lock us in a room until he started talking to me. Evie is keeping me busy setting up her wedding venue and I still need to plan her bachelorette party and wedding shower.
=====time skip======
I'm outside Evies door with Samantha and Heather at 7:30 a.m. I pull out my old key and slide it into the door. I slowly push the door open careful not to make a sound. We sneak up to her bed. I hold three fingers up and slowly count down with my hands. When my last finger is down we all let out a shriek and and jump onto the bed causing her to fly through the air and land next to her bed on her butt. Evie screaming bloody murder lunges at us and we squeal and run out the door and up to heathers room. As soon as we are all inside we stand in the middle of the room and wait for Evie to catch up. As soon as she enters the room everyone else screams surprise.
(Later that night)
We walk I drunk Evie back to her room and push her onto her bed. We take off her shoes and try to remove as much makeup as she will let remove.
I head out saying goodbye to the girls. As I'm in the hall walking up the steps I see Ben waiting at the top of the stairs with Fairy Godmother. She turns as been points to me and I see her take out her wand. She starts to wave it through the air. She starts to chant a spell and as she does a green stream of light starts to flow out of my chest. My eyes flash green and I raise my hand out and recite a spell.

Let the object of objection become but a dream,
As I cause the seen to become unseen.

As I chant the wand slowly disappears from Fairy Godmothers hand and the stream of green stops. I snap my fingers and her wand reappears in my hand. I snap the wand in two and the magic it stole from me came back and I started to absorb some of the wands magic. I snap my fingers again and the wand is repaired. Walk up the steps slowly and give the Fairy Godmother her wand back. She bows her head and whispers sorry. I watch as she rushes down the hall. I turn towards Ben who looks at me with a look of anger.
As I'm about to speak he interrupts me "Why would you do that?!," he yells causing some people who were passing by to stop. "I WAS TRYING TO HELP YOU!"
I clench my fist and my eyes start swirling with green. "You were trying to help me?"
I say with my voice low. "What do I need help with Ben," I turn walking back to our room for more privacy as a crowd started to gather.
When I enter the room I turn and close the door behind Ben. I turn towards him and repeat my question "Ben what do you think I need help with?"
"You're magic is out of control, Mal," he takes a deep breath before continuing "You attacked me for no reason and what if you attack the kids... Mal I can't take that chance."
"I didn't attack you for no reason and my magic is completely under my control," I look at him hurt, "and how could you ever think I would hurt our children."
He takes my hand and I yank it away almost instantly, "Mal I can't have you here if you have your magic and are risking the lives of our children," he reaches for my hand again and this time I let him hold it. "You need to get rid of your magic if you want to be here." I stay silent for a minute
I slowly look at Ben, "okay" I say Ben jumps up with a look of excitement.
"Really okay I'll go get Fairy GodMother," he starts to turn around when I stop him "no Ben I mean I'll go but I'm taking the kids." His face instantly drops into one of sadness then to furry.
"NO, they are my kids I get to keep them," he says shaking with anger.
That's when I get an idea. "Ben I can't trust you with them if you tried to take my magic what would stop you from taking theirs?" I see him freeze "I couldn't live with myself if you hurt our children born and unborn." I say reaching to my stomach.

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