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I see him freeze "I couldn't live with myself if you hurt our children born and unborn." I say reaching to my stomach.

Ben stood frozen for what seemed liked eternity. He had so many emotions on his face. I was about to turn away from him and leave the room when I heard him whisper, "A-are you p-pregnant?" I look down to my stomach and then quickly back to him. I quickly nod my head and give him a small smile, "surprise." I notice two emotions battling to surface and in the end the one that wins is rage. He clenched his fists so hard his knuckles turned white and he let out a growl. I flinch away and hunch forward to protect my stomach. When he saw me flinch he takes a step back. He looks back at me and all I see is betrayal in his eyes.
"Why" he asks "why would you flinch... do you really think I would hurt you, Mal?" I give him a long look before nodding and saying "Why wouldn't I think that?" quickly I turn around and run out. I ran down the hall until I find a few maids. I send one to gather Mason's things, one to gather Emily's things, and the last one to pack me a bag.
I headed towards Bella's room. As soon as I entered I went straight for the closet to start to gather her things. About twenty minutes later Ben barges into her room. "Really Mal," he growls out, "You won't even come to pack your own bag," I stand there rigid as the silence between us, after what seems like an eternity I hear Ben sigh. "God damn it, Mal! Look at me," He grabs my arm and spins me around.
"Ben... I can't talk to you right now," I say as I try to free myself from his grasp but my struggles only make him tighten his hold "Ben let me go," I try harder to free myself from his grasp. I soon realize that no matter how hard I struggle he wasn't going to let me go and by now he grip on my arm was so hard it started to turn numb. I let out a whimper which seems to snap him out of his daze. He quickly drops my arm and takes a step back. I look down at my arm and see that a bruise was already starting to form. "I'm so sorry, Mal," He says in pure shock, "You know I would never hurt you on purpose right?" he steps forward and I can't help but take a step back. He tries again but I just can't make myself let him move any closer. I look over to Bella's crib and rush to pick her up. I grab her bag from the floor and fled from the room. I ran to the main corrider where the maids were waiting with the rest of my kids and there things. "Let's go," I say and motion for the maids to follow me.

Mal x BenWhere stories live. Discover now