Chapter 22: Undesired Jealousy

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We arrive to the town where Jenna's Grandmother lives and hop out of the Impala. "Well, nice neighborhood." Dean says once we all shut our doors.

"Yeah." She says back "I pretty much grew up here." It takes only a second before she goes off with memories "learned to ride my bike down the road. Had my first kiss at that blue house over there." Then she turns her head a bit in another direction "lost my virginity up there."

I kind of raise my eyebrows at the shared information but Dean responds "I'll bet blue house was pissed."

She chuckles in response "she was." She then asks him, knowing my hands are full with Paul "do you mind?"

"Yeah." He nods, accepting the baby.

The baby coo's in his arms and he smiles at her "hey, beautiful." He gives me a small smile and I can't help but get turned on with how he swoons at the baby.

Jenna reaches into the car to grab her bag and we all start walking to the house "anyway That's why I asked you to bring us here. After everything that happened, it just feels safe."

I answer her back "well, good. Safe is good."

Dean mumbles "Shh, shh, shh, shh" to Amara in his arms as she fusses a bit.

Jenna compliments him "you're so great with her." Her back turns away from me and a twitch of jealousy runs through me.

"Well, what can I say? Chicks dig me." He jokes back.

"Yea, we do." I add on, feeling the need to remind her I'm there.

Jenna moves too take Amara from him "well, look, I should..."

Dean hands her over "uh Right."

"Sure." He tells her once the baby is out of her arms.

I then tell her "you're gonna be okay, both of you." I smile, touching her arm to comfort her.

"I know." She confirms, smiling toothlessly at me. She then looks down to the baby then to Dean "what about you guys and Sam?"Are you gonna be okay?"

"Well, for us, the bar's pretty low." He tells her, not going to worry her with anything more than taking care of the baby.

"See you." I call to her as she walks away.

She doesn't go far before turning around and calling out "Dean." We both stop and she says to him "thank you.. for everything." She moves back to give him a hug and he hugs her in return. She gives me one more smile and leaves.

I get back into the back seat of the Impala with Paul and we drive off, making our way back to Sam in Superior. After an hour of so of driving, keeping quiet so we could get Paul to sleep, I crawl into the front seat. I lean my head back, close my eyes and say to my husband "Jenna seemed to really take a liking to you."

He eyes me with just a strange glare and adjusts a bit in his seat "come on Hayden, she was just being nice."

"Sure she was." I say back, still feeling jealous.

"Babe, really? She literally just learned about monsters and no has to take care of a newborn. That's a lot of heavy shit to take in for one day. Cut her some slack, she's just overwhelmed." He explains it out to me.

I bite my lower lip while letting his words sink in "yeah, I guess you're right." I say back, still feeling a bit off, like there's something more he didn't say to me.

We're on the road for a few more hours when his cell rings "Ghost busters" He says once he picks up, not looking at the number "Jenna, hey." He says, eyeing me with wonder. I stare at him with the same look and listen as he utters "Uh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down."

Just then Dean quickly slams on his breaks and turns the car to the opposite direction "Dean!" I turn my head to look at my son, who is now squirreling around in his car seat.

"Stay put!" He tells her, hanging up and gripping two hands on the wheel. I wait to see if Paul wakes up from his slumber but he doesn't. I then focus my annoyed glare to Dean and angrily ask him "what the hell?"

"Jenna and her Grandma were basically chased out of the room Amara was sleeping in." He tries to explain.

"What?" I ask, not following.

"There was a bunch of baby toys floating around the room like some kind of poltergeist crap. We have to go back." He simply states.

"Fine, but we should call Sam. Keep him informed." I relucently agree, my own feelings getting in the way of feeling like we should do what is right.

After Dean explains what Jenna said to him, Sam asks his big brother "So you thinking demon? Or kid got infected by something."

"You know, who knows what was in that giant, crazy fart?"

Sam chuckles "wow. Vivid. Thanks."

Dean says to him "look, man, I know you're flying solo..."

Sam doesn't let him go on though "no, I'm -- I'm fine, Dean. Look, don't -- don't worry about me. Just help Jenna."

"Sammy--" Dean tries to go on but Sam still doesn't let him.

"I'm fine, Dean. And if you need anything, then call me." He tells him.

"Will do." Dean finally agree's, picking up speed on the wet road.

As he gets down the road where Jenna's Grandmothers house is, he says to me "why don't you wait in the car with Paul while I go in and check on everything."

"Yeah, sure." I roll my eyes while looking outside the window.

"what? What did I say?" He asks, picking up on my attitude.

I sigh out, not wanting to answer "nothing, that's fine." I try to assure me.

"No, please. Tell me what I did this time" he pushes me.

I shake my head and mutter out "it's just Jenna, she seems really into you."

He sort of chuckles sarcastically back "Hayden, come on. I told you, she's just scared. You can't really be jealous." He puts a hand on my mine, resting in my lap.

I exhale and nod "I know, it's stupid. But fine, I'll wait in here with Paul." I assure him, not wanting to push this conversation further.

"Great." He says, just as he turns to pull up to the house. He quickly gets out of the car and meets Jenna outside. I wait in the car, moving to the back seat to sit next to my baby.

About 20 minutes goes by when I see Dean leave the house with someone behind him. It takes a few moments before I realize who it is. In the dim light off the houses front porch lighting, I see Crowley dressed as a priest, talking with Dean.

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