Chapter 40: Infused

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A few days later I wake up but I am not in the hellhole I've been kept in. Now I'm in somewhere dark, somewhere unknown. I can feel the air though, and as I look around I see spots of sunlight peering in. I slowly stand up, and start to walk and call out "hello?" I walk out of where I am and into a larger room, a huge room. I call out again "hello?" and as I step further into this large space, I see a body strung up and tied to a large pole. I walk slowly to it, and when I'm half way across the room I notice that it's Lucifer. I whisper his name "Lucifer? What's going on?" I question. I look all around, hoping this is Dean or Sam or someone who can get me out of here and let me go see Paul.

"There she is. I was wondering when you'd find me." He barely gets out above a whisper. He's bloodied, damaged, and I can't help but wonder who is doing this to him.

I get closer to him, and ask "who's doing this?" 

"Why don't you let me down and we can talk it all out later, okay?" He asks, blood coming out of his lip.

I nod, and go to move to untie a hand but I get this overwhelming feeling that stops me in my tracks. I have no idea what it is but something is pulsating in my body, and it's telling me to turn around. Lucifer tries to encourage me to turn back to him, to help him down but I just follow what my body is telling me to do and walk out of the room and outside. As I get outside, the sun momentarily blinds me and I hold my hand up to my face, as I continue out and my eyes adjust I see a women standing at the end of the path. She's only about 10 feet away, but I can feel it. I know who this is. "Amara?" I call out her name.

She turns around and when she see's me she smiles "Hello Hayden."

Whatever feeling I had inside of me is suddenly replaced with rage and I spit "what am I doing here? What do you want from me?"

She tilts her head to the side and steps a few inches closer "Lucifer said he had Dean's wife. I didn't think leaving you in that pit was something you would like. Would you prefer I brought you back?"

"Why am I here, with you and with him?" I look behind me for a second to refer to Lucifer and when I turn back around she is now inches from my face.

I hold my breath, startled and she whispers "you really are beautiful, I can see why Dean is so attracted to you." I can feel my stomach wrench at her words. I want to yell at her, curse her out, but no words come to my brain. She just continues to stand in front of me and smile. She then moves her hand towards my face and I retract away. She pauses and promises "I just want to see something, this won't hurt." For some reason, I let her touch my cheek. Although her hands are cold, I feel only the same thing from the pit in my stomach that drew me out here. I don't feel content, I don't feel happy, or dark. I feel normal, and I know she doesn't have the same affect on me that she does on Dean "interesting." She removes her hand and smiles.

"What?" I ask.

She takes a few steps back from me, but asks "where is your son?"

"He's somewhere safe!" I snarl, now getting defensive "you'll never find him."

I know Dean would do everything he can to protect Paul once Charles got him to Jodi. I don't know who he's with or where he is at, but I know he is safe. She says "Hayden, you misunderstand me. I would never hurt Paul. Paul and I are connected, like Dean and I are connected."

"You're disgusting." I spit, rage coursing through me again.

I feel my body start to shake as she tries to explain "the connection I have with Dean and Paul is not like the connection you humans have. It's deeper. It's their souls Hayden, they are connected to me and I to them."

"No, you're the darkness. You aren't connected to them." I argue, not liking what she is saying.

She goes on "Hayden, when I touched you just then, I felt everything you have ever felt. Yes, your love for both of them fills you, I can see that. But your love to do what's best for them is deeper. Don't you want to do what's best for them?"

"Of course!" I snap, not sure what she's trying to get at.

She replies "your son is sick, right?"

"What do you know about it?" I spit, floored she even knows about it. Did Dean tell her? Have they seen each other again? I feel sick just thinking about it.

She returns "your son's blood, it's not pure human blood. It's infused."

"Infused, what do you mean?" I snarl.

She simply replies "Paul and I are related Hayden. He's just as much my son as he is yours." I lose it, I snap at her words. I try and jump forward to attack her but she just waves her hand and I go flying backwards. That doesn't stop me though as I stand up and try again to lunge at her. She flicks her wrist and I'm thrown back again, this time hitting my head on the ground. She comes over to me and says "please, I don't want to hurt you. I need you." She says and then throws her finger at me then up. I'm seated on a chair and a force is keeping me there from moving. She grabs the back of the chair and starts to drag it back inside, easily even though I am doing everything I can to try and get out.

When she stops, I'm now near Lucifer who looks down at me and says "should've got me out when you had the chance."

"Shut up!" I spit at him, watching as Amara walks out of the room unharmed.

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