Chapter 33: All the Help we can get

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Dean and Sam are successful with helping Sully and come home only after a day. Dean and I manage to plan a night out together. Sam agreed to watch Paul for us. We have a good dinner together but things change on the way home "yeah, Sam's been having these visions that he thinks are coming from God."

"What makes him think they are coming from God?" I question.

He responds "because it happens when he prays to him, says they are getting more clear."

I bite my tongue, partially annoyed. I've been praying too, for a way to help Paul and for Dean to get what he needs. But I'm not getting visions or any answers. I simply respond "so, what is he seeing now?"

He sighs "he thinks he has to find Lucifer and talk to him."

"Lucifer? The fallen angel whose been off the grid for months?" I spit out. It's crazy to think that he's been off our radar since this whole darkness thing happened. I mean, he's Lucifer.

Dean shakes his head "it's something more then what we have now. I mean, he had a point when he said that Lucifer probably knows more about the darkness then Metatron did. He was there when God locked her away."

"So what, we just summon him?" I spit, my arm being thrown up at the obnoxious idea. Dean just gives me a look as if to say yes and I snort out "that's insane."

He clarifies "well, we don't summon him, he's not a demon. We do an angel call. But yeah, I don't know, we are thinking of finding him. Sam really thinks it's God sending him a message, that this is the way we can defeat the darkness."

"And you're agreeing with him, you're willing to seek out the devil on a maybe?" I spit, not sure what to think about this whole thing.

He shrugs "what else do we have Hayden? We got nothing on her. I don't like it either but if we can figure it out, get to him, control him, we can get answers."

"Get to him? Control him? Are you hearing yourself, that is completely absurd!" I was trying to control my voice the entire time, but I'm just loosing it now "he already broke two seals to get back into heaven, who knows where he is at figuring out how to get the third."

Dean responds "he needs Crowley for that and he's not going to let that happen. We're going to go meet with him tomorrow, he'll help us."

I laugh sarcastically "Crowley, who is hiding from Lucifer is going to help you find him? That sounds even more ridiculous then everything else you're saying."

Dean keeps cool and answers "he'll see it our way."

I shake my head but respond "fine, but I'm coming with you!"

"No, no way!" He pushes back, not liking my idea.

"I'm not asking, Dean. You are going to try and seek out the man who took blood from our son, took me hostage and tortured your brother in hell. I'm not sitting on the sidelines watching my son stay sick while you guys try to figure things out. I'm coming." I stay firm in my decision and know I will fight him on this till I get my way.

He spits "oh, yah? Who's going to watch Paul, you trust Castiel alone to do that?"

I shake my head "I'll take him to my dad's, I'm sure he'll be happy to have him over there."

Dean scoffs "you sure he's ready for that?"

I assure him "yes, and Lizette will help and God forbid they need more then I'm sure Charles will help."

This time he snorts back but ultimately agrees. I hear hum mutter under his breath "good luck getting him there and getting back in time."

"What was that?" I quip back, daring him to say it again.

He just mutters "nothing." The rest of the ride back is silent as I smirk, knowing damn well how I was going to get Paul to NY and still make it back on time to go this meeting. The next night, Dean is shocked and annoyed I'm back with an hour to kill before we leave "how'd you make it work?" He questions.

I bat my eyelashes and respond "don't worry about it." Poor Sam has to sit through the awkwardness of Dean and I ignoring each other during the ride over. The two have some conversation here and there, but it's really all just Dean's music we listen to. Once we get out, we walk a few feet away from Dean's car to a more dumpy, run down area. We're in an abandon part of this town and there are a few homeless people scattered around fire pits. "This is where he is hiding out? Sheesh."

"It's not the quality my dear Hayden it's the quantity. What can I do you for the Winchesters, what is so urgent?" He asks, clearly annoyed they forced him to meet.

Dean explains the situation to him, keeping it short. When he's done explaining what Sam saw and what they want, Crowley looks to Sam and utters over "so God assured you of this, did he? Let's say you're making this up. I mean, I never think of you as imaginative."

Dean quips, not wanting to deal with his games "we're not saying it's gonna happen. We just wanna know. Theoretically, if it's possible."

"Me pin pointing for you where the devil is hiding out? Pfft. I believe this conversation is over." He lifts his hands to snap himself away.

Dean quickly says to him "is it? Crowley, you know that the Darkness is gonna pound on everything, and that includes you."

Sam adds "yeah, and you had a shot at taking her out when she was with you"

Dean adds insult to injury "but apparently, you thought that sucking up was the way to go."

But Crowley doesn't take it lying down, as he snaps back to Dean "and that didn't work out so well. Because she chose you. And you couldn't control your girlfriend." My eyes then flicker over to Dean, but he just stands stone cold frozen as he grills down Crowley who continues "what happened in that room? Why did she insist on sparing you? What is she to you?"

This was new information to me. Dean didn't tell me that Amara spared him, or that they even talked. The moment Dean told me he saw the darkness as a women, I was worried. I continue to eye him as I wait for him to answer "you wanna know what she is, Crowley? How about God's sister?"

"God's sister?" He asks and his eyes open a bite wider as he inquires "he has relatives?" He then goes off on his own tangent "I had that kind of leverage under my thumb and I let it slip away."

I spit out, getting fed up with all this back and forth "can we focus on the big picture here, okay? Can you figure out where Lucifer is so Sam can meet with him?"

I can see Crowley mulling it over, and eventually he returns to us "there may be a way." He starts to walk and waves his hands for us to follow. We do so, and walk around an old building where there is no one else around. He says "we will need a secure site, a way to neutralize Lucifer's powers."

"I mean, wouldn't the cage in hell be ideal?" Sam asks.

Dean returns to him "right, cause we have a way to get him back into the cage just so we can have a chat, no need to put him back in otherwise." He rolls his eyes as he finishes talking.

"No matter where, it can't be here." Crowley stops their bickering.

I ask "not here, as in earth?" I'm getting used to a lot of weird shit but where the hell would he want it then? I wonder.

Crowley asks "you think I want that abomination running amok upstairs? I only have so much control here."

Dean spits "is it possible to control the situation? Because if Sam's not safe, it's not happening."

"Goodness mummy, loosen the grip" Crowley mocks him. I grill him down but he ignores me and continues "theoretically, it's possible. There are challenges." Now he starts pacing "I can get him into the open, possibly lure him into hell. I can easily arrange a transit into hell." Then he looks to us as he's done thinking to himself out loud "I believe its secrets, along with the spells for warding Sam, are recorded where many such mysteries are found." We wait for him to tell us, and he says "the Book of the Damned."

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