Chapter 24: Angel Down

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Later that evening, we are all gathered together around the table, trying to figure out things with the baby missing and the spell that is on Castiel. I work on a laptop along side Sam, while listening to the baby monitor next to me as Paul sleeps. "So that was the last of the neighbors, just like the rest." Sam says out after looking into the town we lost saw Amara in.

I look to him and sigh, then turning to Dean who is in some kind of daze "Dean?"

I try to pull him out of it but he doesn't move, Sam calls out louder "Dean!"

"Yeah." He jerks his head and blinks, coming back to reality.

Sam questions "you okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." He replies "just saying we got nothing. No one saw anything unusual going on at the house the day the baby disappeared."

Castiel chimes up from the side, wrapped in a blanket still healing "if this is truly the Darkness we're talking about, it's more of a time bomb than a baby."

Dean replies "yeah, but it is still a baby, right? I mean, the Darkness I saw was an adult."

I shift in my seat, knowing Dean had some kind of vision of an adult darkness, a women he felt connected too.

"So it still has to, uh, grow up." Sam replies back.

Castiel adds "the Darkness is almost infinite power. I'm not sure what "growing up" means in this case."

"Well, God kicked this thing's ass once before, right?" I question out loud to them.

Dean sarcastically responds "teah, it'd be nice if he put down the Mai Tai and show up for work."

"I wouldn't count on it." Castiel lowly replies to us.

Sam shrugs "it's possible he's around. Closer than we think, you know?"

Dean stand up "what makes you say that?"

Castiel says "I believe he made a fairly definitive statement when we walked away." Castiel tries to stand but can't, due to the Chains he's tied with.

He sighs deeply and I give him a sympathetic smile, Dean says "Sorry about those, Cas. Till we know what's going on with you, you're still a bit of a wild card, you know?"

Castiel drops his head and sits back down. Rowena put some spell on Castiel, causing him to go after and kill Crowley. He then was taken by fellow angels and tortured, until he got out and killed them because of the spell. Yes, this is my life now. "I hate to point this out, but you both know who we might need to help deal with the Darkness." Sam speaks out.

"Don't even say it." Dean holds a finger up to him, opening the beer he just got and taking the laptop away from Sam.

Sam replies "he was God's scribe. He did hear about everything."

"That's just like saying it." Dean argues back to him.

A growling comes out of Castiel's mouth as he writhes in pain. "Cas, you all right?" I ask him, biting my lower lip, wishing I could help him.

"It's the spell." He manages to grunt out.

Sam returns "we were hoping your angel wiring would fight it off or...slow it down at least."

He utters "it appears I simply respond differently from humans."

Dean reminds "if you were you human, you'd be gone. With you, it's like it's digging deeper."

"You know, Rowena's the only one who can remove it." Sam reiterates what we already know.

Dean holds his hand up, not liking to hear about when he fails on things "we're doing everything to find her, okay? But so far, we got nothing."

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