Chapter 41: Their Meeting

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Whenever she comes back, all she does is torture Lucifer. In return torturing Castiel. I turn my head every time, but I can't ignore the screams coming out of his mouth. She's trying to get Lucifer to pray to God, to get him to come and save him. He refuses every time, and I even offer to pray to him myself. I've done it before, I know he doesn't answer, but the screaming is killing my soul. I know it's Lucifer in there but I know Castiel is feeling every bit of it as well. She ignores me every time I talk to her. As the hours go by, I can tell from where I stay forced to sit that Lucifer and Castiel don't have much longer left in them. As she finishes another round of torture on him, she says "something's out there."

Lucifer mutters "hmm, always is."

"This is new." She turns and looks out the large opening "something's changed."

"Maybe Dad picked up on your latest slaughterfest." Lucifer offers.

While I was transported here by her and slept, she went out and destroyed an entire town with her poison like  rabid infection "spoiled brat" she snickers "I needed solitude and he needed a fan club, so he made all that." She flicks her hand at me "all those. Then when I complained, he stuffed me in a hole for eons -- with your help."

"Stop whining." Lucifer claps back.

Amara throws her hand up and Lucifer is silent, dropping his head. She gets closer to him and puts her hand close to him, checking on him. As I sit there staring at her, her head jerks and I can see a smile forming on her lips. She says out loud "he's looking for me." I sit up, wondering what she means. She takes a few steps back from Lucifer and then opens her arms, closes her eyes and breathes. She stays in the same position and starts to speak "I've missed you, Dean. It's been a while since we've spoken. I'm aware my brother has surfaced. If you should cross paths, if he should reach out to you, he should know this -- Lucifer, his favorite, isn't doing so well. Say nothing of the vessel, your friend Castiel. By choosing to ignore me, my brother is allowing this to happen. These and other things. I thought you should know."

Her head comes back down and her eyes open. She has a grin on her face and I demand "what did you do?"

She answers me this time "I just gave him a warning, showed him how his friend is holding up."

I spit "if you really want him here just show him you have me, he'll get here, he'll get God to come here to save me." I see her adjust just a little where she stands staring and I know I've hit a nerve or something in her. I slowly get out now "oh, you know that is what Dean would do, don't you? He would move heaven and hell to get to me if he had an inkling where I was and you don't want that. Do you really think Dean loves you? He doesn't love you."

"He doesn't have to love me, we're bonded. We always will be and it's something you'll never know the feeling of, something you'll never understand." I go to open my mouth but she waves her finger and I'm rendered silent.

Even though I am stuck to a chair, I never feel myself go hungry or even have to use the restroom. Amara must be controlling that need for me somehow and I just continue to dwell in my hatred for her. When she comes back, she tells me all about how she destroyed another town, killed thousands of people. She forces Lucifer awake, only to torture him enough to pass out. After, she closes her eyes again and I am forced to hear her call out to my husband again. She speaks softly as she says "I need to see you, Dean. Events are moving swiftly and everything will change. I need to meet with you, but not like this. Somewhere alone." When she's done, she brings her eyes back to mine and says "if he shows, alone, we'll know where he stands." Dean does reach out to meet with Amara the next day. My heart aches but it's even worse when she takes me with her to meet him there. She puts me behind a tree, still unable to speak but close enough to listen. She approaches him "thank you for reaching out to me, Dean."

"You said you wanted to meet." He replies without any kind of tone to his voice.

"I missed you." She replies "and the sensations you arouse." My stomach feels ill as I hear her say what she says next  "I missed your lips. I know you feel the same way. So what do we do?" She asks him.

"There can be no us." He says back, almost sounding angry "we should just walk away."

"Then why don't you?" She questions. Only Dean doesn't answer. He doesn't say because of me. Amara goes on "this place, this world hasn't been especially easy for you. Why not at least consider my offer?"

After some silence, Dean answers her "this world is flawed. I will give you that. But I am not ready to say goodbye to it just yet."

"But one way or the other, you will. It's inevitable. My brother won't stop me again, because he can't. Dean, give up your smallness, your humanity and become boundless within me." She offers him. I stifle at the words she chose. Could Dean seriously consider her offer.

I continue to try and wriggle from whatever grip she has on me but freeze when he responds "you're right. I am drawn to you." Amara isn't quick enough to stop the tears from forming and falling all at once as he goes on "and it bothers the hell out of me, 'cause I can't control it."

"Then why fight it?" She asks him "what you're feeling is that I am the end of your struggle. Something stops you. Keeps you from having it all." I don't expect to hear Dean answer. And he doesn't when Amara says "where are your thoughts?"

Dean answers "It's Hayden. She's who I am suppose to be with, it's her and I."

I try and let that make me feel better but the damage to my heart is already done. Amara goes on "No, there's something's different. Something else." I hear the slightest of breath come out of her "you've spoken with God. You've seen him." She pauses once then says "you betrayed me. Fine, you can have her."

"What?" I hear Dean stammer out. And then I can move, and I can talk.

"Dean" I choke out, all my tiredness, hungriness, thirstiness came flooding back to me "Dean." I say again, trying to stand up, my bladder is so full I feel like I am about to burst.

"Hayden?" He calls back and I can hear his feet on the ground searching for me. "Oh my God, Hayden!"

"I need water, and I need to pee." I I get out in a scratchy voice as I rest against a tree.

He nods "I have water in the car, here, come here." He starts to try and help me stand.

"No" I stand myself and push him away "no, I can go on my own. I'll be right back." I walk past him to another tree. I lower my pants and pee in the woods. It takes over a minute before I feel my bladder actually start to feel less full. After I'm done drip drying, I pull my pants back up and come back towards him.

When Dean see's me he rushes over "Hayden, I can't believe you're here I'm--"

He opens his arms to embrace me in a hug but I hold my hand out at him "no, stop. Don't."

"What, what's wrong?" He questions, his eyes showing hurt.

But I don't care or feel bad. My heart is broken, and I can't even think to talk about it right now. Instead, I just try and change the subject "did Charles get to Jodi? Is Paul okay?!"

"Yea, yea, Paul is fine and he's safe. We've been trying to find you for weeks Hayden. Where have you been?" He steps closer to me but doesn't try to touch me again.

I shake my head and say "can we just go? I'm exhausted."

"Uh, yeah" He nods, moving aside to let me walk "of course, this way" He points and I head off towards the road. Luckily, or maybe unluckily we weren't far from the bunker. Dean met with Amara close to our home, close to were we raise our child, to were we made love. As I step inside and get down the steps, I'm greeted with multiple faces, only 2 of whom I've seen before.

My eyes go straight to Castiel, or Lucifer and I spit "which one is he?"

Sam tells me "it's Lucifer."

He tries to give me a fake smug grin but I quickly try and slap it off his face "what is he doing here?" I yell as my hand reaches across his face.

"Ok, ok. That's enough" I hear Dean come up behind me and he starts to pull me away. I quickly turn and push him off of me "no, don't!" I wave my finger in his face "don't touch me!" I snarl. And before anyone else can say anything to me, I storm out of the room.

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