Chapter 30: His Sibling

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It takes a week, almost two before Dean gets any further leads on Amara. And within that time Paul was getting sick. I took him to a doctor, but all he said was that it's a normal cold and to let it run its course. For days all he did was cry, couch and drip fluids out of every orifice. It was exhausting taking care of him, Dean being around only for 2 nights before heading back out with his brother. But luckily, Castiel was still around. The brothers didn't want him out, they really wanted to him to get better. After the 6th day of this cold, he even offered to heal Paul using his angel powers. I thought about it, even talked about with Dean on the phone but he told me not to, that we have to just let it run its course. Paul would be stronger for it in the end. I rolled my eyes but listened to him, and Castiel just continues to help me watch over him. During our time taking care of Paul, Castiel got a lead on Metatron. He asked me if I would be okay taking care of Paul alone, and once I assured him I would be, he left to follow up. It wasn't until later that night, that Dean called me. "We think we have a location on Amara." He says as soon as I pick up.

"That's good, she take any more souls?" I ask, knowing a bit of what they've been up to.

He replies "one, but we got a hold of a demon and figured something out. This is it, we're going to kill her tonight." He says, sounding determined.

I sigh with a smile "good, I could really use you home right now. Please, please be careful Dean. Stick with Sam. Promise me?"

I can tell he is rolling his eyes and mutters "yeah, yeah."

I throw out "I mean it, stay with him. I need you to come home. We don't know anything about her, you're stronger together."

" I will" he says back "I love you, I'll call you when it's done."

"I love you too." I say back and he hangs up. I wait impatiently to hear from him as I try and rock Paul back to sleep after another fit of diarrhea. When I do get him down, I take that moment of silence to bend on my knees and pray to God. "God, if you're listening, Dean really needs you right now. We all do. There's this thing, this uhh this darkness. Please, I need Dean back. We do." I glance over at our sleeping baby "please bring him back to me. Amen."

Dean and Sam returned before Castiel does. After about an hour of them talking, Dean comes in to inform me of everything that happened, everything they learned. I just sit on our bed in wonder. How could this be actually happening. Amara is God's sister. I have so many questions, but after I ask my first one, Dean just tells me to follow him and that all of should talk together. We make our way to find his brother and Castiel and as we do, I hear Sam say "well, we're just glad you're back and feeling up to it all. It's a good thing."

Dean utters "yeah, look, I'm as glad as anyone that Stella got her groove back, okay? But you let Metatron go?"

I shake my head, Dean having told me that Castiel found him, beat him up pretty good, learned about Amara, then let him go. I'm annoyed, sure, but Metatron isn't really a big deal to me, Amara is. She was the one who infected Dean and my son. Castiel utters back "Dean, how many times are you gonna repeat that question? I'm gonna say it again."

"You let Metatron go!" Dean argues before he can say what he's going to say.

Castiel argues back though "he's not going anywhere. If he makes a move, if he draws the slightest attention, the full force of angel kind will snuff him out." He exhales, clearly frustrated with Dean "look, you -- neither of you saw him. He is a human, and a pitiable one at that. He's not a threat to us. I-I mean, I put him in traction."

Sam then reminds them "guys, bigger fish to fry here. Amara is in the wind."

"Yeah, God's freaking sister" I mutter lowly, still unable to fathom that.

Castiel says to Dean "you said you were close. Dean, how'd she get away?"

He retorts "I'm sorry, what part of "God's freaking sister" did you not understand? She overpowered me -- end of story." Castiel just stares at Dean as if there is something more he wants to say. I put my hand on Dean's shoulder, letting him know that it's okay, that he tried and that's what is important. "What's our plan here, fellas?" He now changes the subject, clearly upset. "You said you got everything you could out of Metatron, right?" Castiel gives him a nod. "So, where on earth are we gonna find an answer on how to stop her?" He snorts "I don't suppose God's decided to share any wisdom on the matter."

He looks to his brother, who looks hurt or maybe offended. Sam just sighs "I'll look into the lore." He walks off.

"Dean, Paul is still sick. What if this has to do with Amara?" I ask him, my brain now thinking of things that could or could not be fathomable.

"Cas, give us a minute." He says out. Castiel quickly leaves the room then Dean redirects his attention to me "what do you mean?" He shifts his weight from one foot to the other.

I explain what I'm thinking "well, what if Paul was always sick but having Amara or the darkness or whatever in him made him healthy. I mean, think about it. He was never really sick ever before this. What if something's wrong with him." I try to hold a firm voice, not let him know I'm worried but I can tell it came off shaky.

He takes my hand "then he would've been sick the moment the mark was gone, don't you think? I don't think him being sick has anything to do with Amara, I think he's just sick babe."

"I guess" I breathe out my nose, trying to force my brain and my heart to agree with him "I just hate seeing him like this."

He pulls me in for a hug "me too, baby. How about this?" He pulls me back so our eyes meet "if he's still sick in two more days, we'll have Cas fix him up? I know was against it but I mean, it's been awhile."

"Yeah, I like that." I nod, actually feeling sort of relieved with the idea. Dean nods, then starts to walk off "I'll go check on him."

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