Chapter 23: Gone Baby, Gone

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"What the hell is he doing here?" I get out of the car as swiftly as possible and point my finger at him, my mouth almost drooling with anger. I still can't get over working alongside the demon who kidnapped me prior to giving birth!

"I have sources in the Catholic church -- nuns that owe me a favor, priests with a taste for"

Dean stops him for going on "okay, all right, yeah, I can imagine." He throws his hand up at him in disgust, as if my facial expression wasn't showing it enough.

"You really can't." Crowley mockingly returns, but continues "anyhow, they hear of a demonic possession, they call me. If it's one of mine, I tell them to ignore it."

  "You're repugnant" I tell him. 

"That's the point dear." He says back. "and if it's a, uh, demon gone rogue, well, that's when Father Crowley comes out to play."

"So you think there's a demon in there?" Dean asks him.

"Not even a little bit." He answers. Whether it's honest or not, I have no clue but I don't trust him.

I look to Dean and say his name, not liking what I'm feeling "Dean." I say it in as a low of a whisper as I can.

"Just go back to the car, I'll take care of this." He tries to assure me.

Although I don't trust leaving him alone with Crowley, I can't very well leave our son alone in the car. I give him a kurt nod and slowly retreat back to the door. I glance over my shoulder a few times, keeping an eye on the demon my husband is about to work with. A few minutes off silence pass when the door to the house opens. I watch as a little girl exits the home with a calm demeanor. As she gets closer to the car, I find myself getting out to meet her. "Hi honey, is everything okay in there?" I ask her, wondering what's taking Dean so long.

I keep both eyes focused on the young brunette, curious to who she is. She smiles sweetly back up at me when she answers "yes, the men are just talking about the baby with Jenna."

"Oh, okay. Where are you going?" I ask next, wondering what a young girl would be doing leaving at this time of night.

She answers "Jenna and her grandmother were watching me while my parents went to the store. They just called for me to come home."

I look down the road to my right then left to see what house she is going too "do you want me to walk you?" I ask, figuring she might get scared walking at night.

She quickly answers "I'll be okay, it's just down the road." She lifts up her finder to point to a house on my left. I look along with her and stand back up from my leaned over position.

I nod my head and smile "okay sweetie, I'll watch you from here." I tell her.

She smiles and goes to move past me, she looks in the car window at Paul then skips down the road to her house. I watch for a moments as she gets farther away. She soon turns into the driveway of the house she pointed too and disappears inside.

A bit more time passes when Dean walks out with a scowl on his face. He hops into the drivers side and quickly turns the car on "is everything okay?" I ask him as he puts the car in reverse to leave.

"The babies gone." He tells me, pulling out quickly.

"What?" I kind of shout out, shocked those words came out of his mouth.

He starts to drive away "Crowley and I had it out for her but neither of us got her. She's gone." He tries to somehow explain what happened in there "the baby is the darkness." He adds on.

"Excuse me?" I question, not following at all now.

"Amara. She's the darkness and she's gone." He says it again "we have to get Sam and get back to the bunker." His foot pushes down harder on the pedal.

"How can she be the darkness, she's a baby?" I semi argue, semi question him.

He shakes his head "I don't know, but we gotta find her." He puts it simply.

We pick Sam up on our way back to the bunker and he is worse for wear. Dean fills him in on the Amara as the darkness situation as he fills us in on the he almost died and a reaper is after the two of them thing "how many times have you died Dean?" I ask him as we get closer to our home.

I sit in the back with Paul, keeping him occupied with some toys while I wait for his answer "too many to count." He tells me, looking back at us through the mirror.

"That's comforting." I retort back sarcastically, a bit annoyed I never knew him dying was a multiple occasion thing. I guess I've been lucky since I've been with him that he hasn't died, only became a demon. "So this reaper wants to kill you guys?" I ask for clarification.

"No but she wants to reap us next time we die, to make sure we don't come back." Sam explains as best he can.

"Right, okay." I say back, truly not getting it. But I don't push it since I don't know what I'd be pushing at, not really wanting to get into Dean's deaths at this moment.

As we finally arrive back at the bunker, we begin heading inside when Sam states "all right, I still don't understand. I mean, I thought the darkness was a woman, not a child."

"Wait, a women?" I ask, not having known what he's talking about.

"Yeah uhh, I had a vision or something of this women after the mark was removed. I thought she was the darkness, well, she said she was the darkness." He tells me now.

"A women was the darkness? What?" I ponder out loud "and you talked to her?"

"Maybe" he returns, dropping his bag "or maybe whatever I saw wasn't real. Maybe it was a vision." He offers a different idea.

"Maybe." I agree, making note to ask him later what he and the darkness talked about.

"Pretty weird." Sam adds on

Dean agree's "yeah, weird with a weird cherry on a weird top." We get further into the bunker and there is a pile of books blocking the door way further in. I eye the two brothers with confusion and Dean says "we got to get a maid. Someone with--" he goes to say more but a noise in the room stops him and we all stare ahead.

Sam and Dean get out their guns and Dean sort of pushes me aside as I hold Paul close to my chest. They walk slowly towards the pile of books when a loud whisper interrupts the silence in the room "help."

I see Sam and Dean eye each other and Dean's face says enough that I move around to see what they are looking at. The two of them go to put their guns away when I see Castiel, barely alive, lying on the ground in front of them.

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