Chapter 46: The End

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The angels, demons and witches all attack Amara when she arrives. We can feel the earth shake around us as they do whatever they can to weaken her. After a few minutes, the door opens and Amara begins to stumble in. I see Dean try to move to her when she gets closer but Sam stops him. My stomach flips but I have to ignore it. Amara looks at her brother and utters through panted breaths "you cheated again. But--" She's stopped from going on, Lucifer having stabbed her with an engraved Spear "Ah!!"

I see him lift his arms up to stab her and I hold my breath, hoping he does "son" Chuck says to him, and Lucifer stops. stepping backwards. Chuck then addresses his sister "I'm sorry. For this, for everything."

I slowly start to walk over towards Dean and Sam, listening to her respond "an apology at last." Her breathing picks up and she asks "what's sorry to me? I spent millions of years crammed into that cage alone and afraid, wishing -- begging for death because of you!" She stands, still damaged and weakened but angry "and what was my crime, brother?"

"The world needed to be born! And you wouldn't let me!" Chuck answers her "Amara, you gave me no choice."

"That's your story. Not mine." She shakes her head "the real reason you banished me, why I couldn't be allowed to exist, you couldn't stand it. No, we were equals. We weren't great or powerful, because we stood only in relation to each other." She goes on explaining to him "you think you made the archangels to bring light? No. You made them to create lesser beings, to make you large, to make you Lord. It was ego! You wanted to be big!"

Chuck confesses "that's true" he lets her catch some breath "but it isn't the whole truth. There's a value, a glory in creation that's greater and truer than my pride or my ego. Call it grace, call it being! Whatever it is, it didn't come from my hands. It was there waiting to be born. It just is, as you and I just were." He continues to try and explain it to her "since you've been freed, I know that you've seen it. Felt it." Her eyes as Chuck's glance over to Dean. I quickly wrap my hand with his, knowing she would hate it.

She looked to Dean at first with something like desire, but when she saw me grab his hand her expression changed. She says to her brother "it didn't have to be like this. I loved you, brother" Chuck then starts working on putting Amara back in her cage and she chuckles "well you've won again." The winds pick up around us and she just opens her arms to let it happen "finish it. Kill me."

"I'm sorry" I see him mouth to her and then suddenly there's an unfathomable pain on my forearm. "Ahhhh!" I grunt, grabbing at it. This pain was like nothing I've ever felt, and I know this is the mark, this is Amara getting locked away.

"No. Not again! Not ever again!" She yells out in rage. The pain stops getting worse and just burns on my arm. I see Lucifer raise his arms with the spear up to attack but Amara utters "goodbye, nephew."

She waves her hand and it throws Lucifer back against a wall. Dean calls out "Cas!" But he stays next to me, the three of us looking as the mark is faintly formed on my arm.

Amara cries into the air "I'd die a million times and murder you a million more before going back there!" She lifts her arms, and Chuck is now in the air "tell me if you won't change, why should I?"

"Amara, no!" Dean then dashes to try and stop her but she throws her arm at him and all of us get thrown across the room. When I manage to sit up, my arm no longer feels any pain and I see the faint mark of Cain is not there. I look around and see everyone, except Amara on the ground. I hear Dean say "Amara, what have you done? He's dead. God's dead."

I gasp out but she swivels her head to look at him and replies "no. He's dying. My brother will dim and fade away into nothing. But not until he sees what comes next. Not until he watches this world, everything he created, everything he loves turn to ash." She closes her eyes, opens her arm and I can feel a shift around me. When she's done with whatever she was doing, she says to us all "welcome to the end."

And suddenly, she is gone and we are all left in the building, defeated. Dean crawls over to me to try and help me help. Although I don't want to, I have to accept his help, my head spinning and body aching from being thrown. Once I am standing and using a pillar for support, he goes to help his brother. Dean tells his brother to check on Chuck while he goes to check on Castiel. As he gets closer, he shakes him a little bit. "Can you hear me?" I hear him say.

I see Castiel's body sit up a bit where it lays and I hear him utter "Dean?"

I slowly start to walk over to help Dean help him "Cas? Hey, is that you? Hey, can you hear me?"

I get there just as Castiel opens his eyes and he groans "Lucifer is gone. Amara ripped him from my body."

"To where?" I ask, looking around. Angels need permission to enter a host, where could he have gone?

"I don't know." He says as Dean starts to lift him.

"Come on" Dean mutters and once Castiel is standing Dean and I each put an arm around him to help him walk over to where Sam is engaging with Chuck.

Sam asked how he was feeling, and Chuck responds "you know when you're driving and a bug hits your windshield? I'm the bug."

"So, what Amara said about you--" Sam goes to ask

Chuck finishes the sentence "dying. Yeah, whatever she did to me, I can feel my spark, my light fading. And when it's gone--"

"Okay, well, t-tell us how to fix you." I stammer out. I mean he's God for Christ's sake.

"You can't" He gets out "I-I-I suppose she could, maybe, but that's never gonna happen."

A door opens and both Sam and Dean lift their guns to point them where the noise came from. Rowena stands there and jokes "so that was a gun in your pocket."

Crowley then walks back in and utters "well that was a complete and utter dog's breakfast, wasn't it?"

"I didn't know dogs had breakfast." Castiel replies, looking a bit confused.

"Cas is back." Dean smiles, patting his friend on the shoulder.

"Just curious" Rowena gets out "has anyone bothered to look outside?"

We all look at one another but then start to walk outside. Sam helps Chuck walk and when we get out there, I see exactly what she is referring to. I touch Dean on the shoulder and point to where the real trouble is. Above us, the entire sky is this pinkish orange hue, but not a beautiful kind, not one you'd see at sunset. No, this one is ominous, and the sun, which is still at it's high point appears to be smaller as we can all look directly into it "it looks like the sun is"

Castiel finishes my sentence "dying."

So I ask "why would Amara do that?"

"The sun is the source of all life on earth. Without it, everything just just wastes away." Castiel explains to me, and maybe to the others.

Sam mutters "let's get the hell out of here."

And in a blink, we are back inside the bunker. Crowley turns to look at Chuck and points out "you"

"still got a few tricks up my sleeve." Chuck replies, moving to stand on his own "I'm not dead ye--"

He falls back and Sam catches him "Oh, whoa. Okay. I got you."

Chuckle grumbles out "I should probably sit down."

Sam helps move him to a seat and he breathes deep, trying to catch his breath. Castiel then asks "what do we do now?" None of us say anything and Dean just leaves the room. I look to Chuck, then Sam and he shrugs. Sam, Castiel and I go off to follow him, to see what he's planning.

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