Chapter 31: An Illness

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Two days later, Sam and Dean arguing in the hall one morning. I go out there and Sam utters back to Dean "maybe because she's his sister? What do you wanna do? Sit back? Ignore him? Do nothing?"

"No, that's -- that's not what I'm saying." Dean sighs back to him.

I go out and ask "what's going on?" My eyes are crusty as I was napping, and I rub at them so I can see clearly.

Dean ignores my question and returns to his brother "all I'm saying, don't count on God. Okay? Count on us."

"Right." Sam replies, probably rolling his eyes and then he continues to walk away.

Dean then turns to me and I question "what's going on, what was that all about?"

He returns "I, uhh, caught Sammy praying over there and I don't think it's worth it anymore."

"So, what? The entire time you were praying and claiming to be trying to live a holier life for our son and the mark, it was all a lie?" I try not to sound rude, but it comes off that way. If that's true, then I don't know if I'd be able to control what I would say back.

He shakes his head "of course not. I really tried, but that did absolutely nothing. It was Rowena, the killing of death and a spell that got the Mark of Cain off Paul. God isn't listening, he never was never will. It's pointless."

I exhale, thinking about what he's saying. I try to understand it, and part, a small part gets it. He did everything he could to live a holier life and it did no help to Paul. But on the other hand, I felt like Dean and I were getting closer as we prayed and as he tried to live that life. He was taking control of our family and doing what he needed to do. Now he's back hunting monsters and we're all trying to figure out how to stop Amara, from whatever it is she is planning on doing. Sure things were complicated when Paul had the mark, and I am nothing but grateful and relieved it's off of him now. But I just know there's a storm coming from all this, and I know Dean will do whatever it takes to stop it, even if it means he dies. "Alright, yeah. Sure." I make a mental note to keep my own praying to myself when he's around.

I couldn't think of anything else to say and he just wraps an arm around my shoulders and we walk from the hallway to find Sam. "What do we have?" Dean asks as we step in to the room he's pacing around in.

I take a seat at a chair as Sam explains "this is everything Cas dug up in Gaza, every last bit of prebiblical lore."

"Hmm." Dean looks around at all the old scrolls and books on the table.

Sam goes on "half of it I couldn't read. It's in Aramaic. And the other half" Dean's cell rings "Nada. Not a single mention of the darkness, so--" he goes on talking to me as he takes the call.

Dean looks at his phone "well, I'll be damned." He eyes his brother "Donna, what's shakin'?"

"Fat sucker Donna?" Sam whispers.

I give him a knowing glare and he gives me an apologetic lip. We wait as he takes the call and both of us eye him when he says "what do you mean "Killer bunny"?" He nods, hums out one more time then tells her "we'll be there." He hangs up then explains to Sam what she just said "So, there's a killer bunny on the loose in Minnesota."

"I'm sorry, did you say bunny?" I ask, needing to make sure that's what my ears heard.

He looks at me "uhh, yeah. I sure did."

"What? Alright, guess we're going to Minnesota." Sam shrugs then walks off to probably get his stuff.

Dean turns to me "Sorry babe, I know we were going to go out to dinner tonight." He gives me a sorry expression.

I reply "it's alright, but it's also day 2 from when we talked and Paul is still sick. Where's Castiel?" It sucks Dean can't make our dinner plans, but I'm more concerned with our sick child to even really care too much about that.

Dean looks around and shrugs "good question, he's probably off looking for more lore. Tell him to give it a go when he gets back." He leans down and kisses me on the head "keep me posted" he adds before leaving me alone in the room. I push the chair closer towards the table and pull open one of the books, hoping to maybe find something that Sam missed while Paul sleeps.

Castiel returns to the bunker a few hours after the boys leave. Once he is back and puts everything he found out on the table, I come up behind and ask "so, you think you can make Paul better?"

He jumps, startled by me and turns around. I apologize for scaring him and he says "oh, it's okay. I think I'm just tired from all this moving around, still getting better" he adjusts the tie at his neck. "But yes, let's go heal Paul."

He smiles and moves to walk, as he walks past me though I say "if you're not feeling well Castiel, you don't have to do this right now. I mean if you're tired or--"

"Oh, healing him will be no problem. He's little, and it's just a cold or something. Should take no more than a second." He replies as he continues to walk with me trailing behind him. I pick Paul out of the pack and play he is in and he smiles when he see's me. He's not 100% still, but he's a bit more like himself. I turn to Castiel and he smiles "alright, let's see what Uncle Cas can do." He lifts a finger up and goes to place it on Paul's head. I watch, with a smile, excited to have my little boy back. But something changes, I can see it in Castiel's face "huh?" He hums.

"What is it?" I demand, my heart sinking into the pit of my stomach.

I look between Paul and Castiel at a rapid rate, beyond scared of what he's going to tell me. He speaks slowly "uhh, I can't seem to see what's wrong with him. There's nothing known to angel kind that he has."

"What do you mean "nothing known to angel kind"?" I push, delirious with worry "it's suppose to just be a cold."

He places his finger on his head again but pulls it away quickly "no, this is something no angel or man has come in contact with before. I can't make him better." His face registers worry as his eyes meet mine. Paul starts to get antsy and I pull him closer to me as I stare at Castiel. All I can think is "what is wrong with my son?"

A/N: OHHHH! I kind of had writers block with this book and didn't know where to take it, but this chapter pulled it all together for me and I finished this book in 3 days! There's plenty of chapters to come and I am so excited for you guys to see how everything unfolds. PLEASE, PLEASE Like/comment. The more I get the faster I'll post the next chapter. I love you all, thanks for sticking around all this time <3

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