part two

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Hello my little nekos.
I broke my phone and had to wait a few weeks to get another phone but finally I got it so.
I hope you all enjoy.
Mark pov

I'm finally getting a roommate after a long while without one. I think his profile said his name was Jacksepticeye and he's from Ireland which is pretty cool.
'maybe I can find out if all those Irish stereotypes are true,' I chuckle to myself. I offered to pick him up from the airport when we texted but he declined and merely said he'd find his way alone. His profile was pretty cute. He had adorable, ocean blue eyes, an amazing smile and beautiful lime green coloured hair. It just made me... Happy I guess. His description was sweet; kind despite declining to meet at the airport so I was really exited to meet him.
I don't want him to know that I'm gay since it would probably make it uncomfortable for him to be my roommate and the last thing I want to do is scare him off.
Just from our conversation over text I'm pretty sure I've already started to develop a bit of a crush on him.
Maybe a little.
I can't wait to meet him tomorrow. 

Jack pov

I finally get off the damn plane that I sat in for agonisingly long hours listening to an irritating child annoy me the entire trip. I went to go pick up my bag and later hailed a taxi that I payed to take me to Mark's apartment... My hideout from the law.
I had to admit L.A. was pretty... Not exactly what I'm used to but, the denser the population, the harder it is to single someone out... And the harder it was to catch them.
When I arrived I thanked the taxi driver and got out of the car, gently pushing the door closed.
I may be a murderous psychopath, but I'm still quite surprisingly nice to people... Well, as long as they dont pissed me off anyway.
'third floor, apartment 201,' that's what Mark had said. Why aren't there any damn elevators in this place?!
I finally reach the door, panting slightly from the exercise, and stood straight up, backpack in hand as I lightly knocked on the door.
Some shuffling noises made their way to through my ears.
'so if cops showed up I'd have to step lightly, noted.'
The door swung open revealing the handsome man I met two days ago.
I had to admit, he looked way better in real life than in his profile. Short but fit.
"HI JACK! It's so great to meet you in person!" he exclaimed before pulling me into a hug. I flinched having not been hugged in, well... It's been a while. I just stood there a bit awkwardly. He finally pulled away and gave me a wide smile.
"Um... Likewise," I smiled back as he stepped aside from the doorway to let me in. While he closed the door, I walked into the living room, deigning an amazed expression to study my surroundings.
The structure seems... Safe.
Security cameras... Two.
Top shelf in a corner and a balcony door.
Ok, I'll be careful of that.
Emergency exit routes... Balcony, two windows, probably more if the door wasn't an option.
Ok... I can live with this, I could be way worse. The place was big for an apartment.
"Is that really all the luggage you have?" Mark asked, interrupting me from my inspection, reaching for my bag.
I pull it to my chest protectively, he doesn't need to know what I keep in it.
"Um, yeah... I uh, don't really have much money so I don't own a lot," I lied still holding the bag to my chest.
He backs away a bit before smiling understandingly.
"Oh... Uh, yeah... I get it. You shouldn't need to worry about it. I'll pay bills and stuff," he says warmly, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck nervously.
His voice was beautiful. It almost made me feel bad for lying to him. Almost.
And I can't believe he bought the lie either. If I hadn't had money I wouldn't have been able to get a flight and hail a taxi. Handsome, but not the brightest spark was he?
"Thanks Mark."
He starts to show me around the apartment and familiariseing me with everything before stopping at my room I assumed.
"I'll let you get settled in while I order us some lunch," he says before closing the door.
I waited until the sound of footprints faded and let out a shaky breath.
How long would I be able to hide being a criminal if Mark was already practically breathing down my neck? He's so nosey.
'Already trying to touch my stuff. Who does he think he is?!'
I dropped my bag on the ground by my new bed and collapsed on the cool, green sheets that decorated it.
Jesus I was exhausted.
Maybe sleep wasn't such a bad idea.

So how are you guys finding it so far, I think it should be better than my other books cause I'm actually pre-writting this.
And I also have an editor now.
Who is also my sista who is also AMAZING!!
Her user name is DMFIREXD
But tell me what you guys think.
Thank you guys so much for reading this story, hope you all enjoyed it.
Leave a comment and vote if you did.
Also follow me for some more septiplier filled fanfic.
But anyways thanks again for reading this story and I will see you in the next chapter.
TTFN, tata for now!!!

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